The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Comments Comment by Thottbot Needed them for negolash quest - so went to desolace - got the 10 in around 15mins. Farmed the carrions there that hang around the kodo's. View in 3D Find upgrades Quick Facts. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website!
You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Comments Comment by dusk A quick tip: If you indtend to travel to Stranglethorn Vale and quest, keep 10 of these. I tried three locations: Arathi, Tanaris, and Badlands. Badlands by far had the best drop rate and spawn rate for these.
Tanaris was horrible. It took me half an hour to even find six of them, and I only got one wing. The spawn rate is so bad there compared to the other mobs that even though it says here they have the highest percentage chance of dropping them, I wouldn't bother.
Arathi had bad spawn rates too, and the drop rates were mediocre. I tried Badlands as a last resort. The spawns here are very good, and the drop rate is also decent. If you need to farm these for any reason, I highly recommend this area. The auction house only had two wings for sale for the wonderful price of 60g. Sadly, I can see someone getting desperate enough to drop 60g if you get frustrated enough.
Comment by Superfloor Or you can buy the recipe for 10 silver by Superseller in Desolace, north-east of the Gelkis centaur Village. Comment by Aphocryphan's Rest in Badlands is by far the best place to get these. There is a whole cluster of them there.
Plus there's a convenient camp fire already there so you dont have to waste time preparing one, you can get right to the cooking. Adds from lions or coyotes are very rare unless youre low enough level to aggro them. I went as a level 49 pally. EDIT: After making the rounds a couple times, the drop rate did seem to decrease a little.
Comment by GNiko Blasted Lands has an excellent droprate for these, but the birds are a bit spread out. Felt like their Giant Egg droprate was a bit better, too, so might be worth going to if you need wings or eggs. Comment by DussoJanladde Best place to farm these is 45,39 in Tanaris.
There are a whole lot of Fire Rocs clustered around an old animal skeleton here. Just keep going in a circle Follow Path. Kill only the Sky Shadows Birds and you will be set! There are about of them in a full circle. There are two of them that are not on the path, but you will see them.. That whole section leading to Karazhan just skip and keep to the circle path with the two bridges and you will be good!
The re-spawn on them is not too bad! Comment by After reading the above comments and going to the various places, I concurr with DussoJaniadde. As of this date I farmed all along the main route from Swamp of Sorrows to Duskwood. Coming from Swamp of Sorrows take a right at In Blasted Lands the birds were too high.
I could get underneath, while I was in the air to get close and use Death Grip to draw them to me. Of course that caused me to fall approx. Don't recommend that farming method. Comment by Spyderz Deadwing pass. Nuff said.