Clarke, renowned writer, futurist, and technologist. In honor of Sir Arthur, the Arthur C. We followed it with presentation of the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Awards and a special Centenary Celebration Dinner.
There are times when the challenges confronting us feel intractable, when we worry that we stand on the precipice of technical and other changes that we cannot control. Furthermore, you will be introduced to a new concept that will spark global creativity among organizations and innovative communities,"The Circle of Creative Masters," a new 21st Century tool that will take its attendees to higher levels of creativity leading to innovation.
You will also learn the power of C. If you want to start the process of becoming a master in creative thinking, then Optimize Your Creative Mindset is for you. Skip to main content. Search form Search. Let Us Shop For You! Warning message Mean Menu style requires jQuery library version 1. Creative imagination together with empathic imagination is a very powerful combination. If you look back at some of the great leaders of the past, most of them had a purpose; something bigger than what they wanted to achieve for themselves.
Great leaders often have a passion that addresses the plight of people other than what they want for themselves. Even if they have experienced hardship, they are able to imagine what it would be like for people in worse conditions. Just think of people like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa — they were very much driven by their empathic imagination.
Sometimes it might take some courage to go against a restrictive way of thinking. The Red hat represents intuition, feelings and hunches and the Green hat represents creative ideas and possibilities. As a leader of a team, it may be a good idea to read or become trained in the Six Hat Thinking process.
In the business world where reason, reality, facts and pragmatism prevail, I have seen people looking worried and even embarrassed when asked to use their imagination — as if imagining things was something only children or creative people can do. The belief that imagination is somehow inferior to logical reasoning often kills, stifles or smothers potential great ideas. Not only can this belief hinder great ideas but it also shows a lack of understanding about the important role that imagination plays in human life.
General Business Enquiries: hello aboutmybrain. Collaboration Inspiration Communication Courage Generosity. Do you want to eat more healthy foods? Do you want to be free of illness? Do you want to have more exciting experiences and travel to exotic places?
Do you want to have stronger more committed and loving relationships? Do you want more peace and contentment in life? You can have all of these and more by using the power of imagination.
But through harnessing the real power of focused imagination… in time… you will create such things into actuality! Go find that lost and hidden imagination within yourself to create something amazing with your life!