Who is hanging above the lich king

Which would state that with Artha's death the armor was sort of "sentient", probably why menethil hinted that the scourge would still ravage azeroth, but as a mindless unorganised rabble instead of being directed.

If anyone's ever read some of the Diablo books, this story line is almost a duplicate to Diablo: The Black Road, a character dies, while still in the vicinity of an undead summoner, gets res'd as an undead, but free from the casters will from outside circumstances i. Comment by Ebonclad I don't know how long this has been the case, but when we went back and killed The Lich King on man Heroic mode today, someone tried to release after Fury of Frostmourne to see what would happen.

Turns out they were unable to, instead only receiving the error message: Your soul belongs to the Lich King Nice touch, huh? Comment by Zereketh Don't worry guys, I'm sure Arthas will make a stunning return in the 7th expansion pack.

Comment by druidsrus just wondering, would it be possible to down lich king in normal 10m in a 5 man group with around ilvl? Comment by Gone My son, the day you were born the very marketers at Blizzard whsipered the name Comment by Zorn85 We killed him in a guild group tonight to finish the last achievement for the 10 man drakes, and we actually were able to kill him without him ever entering Phase 2 or 3.

Basically once we pushed him to 70, he ran in the middle and people just DPS'd him still making sure to kill the Ice Spheres and the Raging Spirits. By doing this the Lich King stays in the middle the whole time casting Relentless Winter and it's a faceroll. Comment by flinkder Managed to down him in HC 25 man today as pug.

We were almost all bane of the fallen king so it wanst so hard. Is it truly righteousness that guides you? Raid Yells: No actually, it's the iLv gear on your table.

Especially when their iLv goes up to ? Raid Yells Comment by sanjiyan I find it quite amusing that LK is getting a lot more killed than the previous "easyer" sindragosa Comment by Went back recently to do a heroic LK and we were having a major problem with shadow traps not showing up for like half the raid.

Anyone know what video setting I need to change so that I can see them again? Is it, over?.. Terenas: At long last.. No king rules forever, my son. Arthas: I see..

To Tirion Control must be maintained… There must always be.. A Lich King. Tirion: The weight of such a burden.. It must be mine! For there is no other- Bolvar: Tirion! You hold a grim destiny in your hands brother. But it is not your own.. Tirion: Bolvar!

By all that is holy.. Place the crown upon my head Tirion.. Forever more I will be the jailor of the damned. Tirion: No, old friend.. You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill.

This last act of service.. Is mine. Tirion: You will not be forgotten brother.. Bolvar: I must be forgotten, Tirion! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today..

I love that part Comment by Yep, huge abominations not sticking to their posts and casually wandering over to Orgrimmar and Stormwind is certainly no reason to get a new lich king Oh, hang on, the stupid ghouls have come running again Comment by malcore1nathan The lich king heroic mode is actually just a tiny bit more challenging than the regular.

The fight is a 3 phase encounter, same as regular, 5 phases if u count the transition as 1. On phase 1, he will still summon adds, infect players with necrotic plague, AND in addition, he will summon Shadowtraps, which will kill your raiders if they stand in them, be sure your raiders understand that standing anywhere near it STILL can trigger the explosion. The third phase is the easiest.

Healers MUST heal hard during downphase time The downphase last 45 seconds, when you enter the Throne room, be ready for defile and Spirits. In the end, you will realise that the 1st phase is the hardest with adapting to shadowtraps, the second phase is really easy if your raid can follow the regular mechanics of the fight, and phase 3 is easy because lvl 85 healers really cant let players die from the damage aura in the downphase, unless the player stands in bombs and your Ranged let Spirits fall on your raid.

Follow the mechanics and the fight will be easy as hell. The stacking has to be tight or peoples' gonna die. Offtank stays just ahead of them, in the area between the 2 rings, and anybody with the plague runs to them obviously Transition Melee kill the raging spirits Ranged dps stand at max range right at the edge of the platform, and keep dpsing the Lich King, pop all cooldowns Phase 2 Finish off any raging spirits Stay spread out for defiles If somebody gets picked up by val'kyr, say a quick prayer for them if you wish, and thank them for their sacrifice, keep nuking the boss Transition Same as previous transition, dps should use any cooldowns they may have left Phase 3 Stay spread out, avoid defiles Vile Spirits can be largely ignored When everyone gets pulled into frostmourne, you simply have to survive, the best way to do this is to point your camera straight down, avoid the badness, and use any survivability cooldowns If you're pugging this, only the tank and 1 person in the ranged group needs to talk.

The only things that need to be explained to the herpa derp pugs are: stay stacked in phase 1 and run the plague to the OT, in transitions ranged dps the boss, ignore val'kyrs, run away from defile. Everything else can be called out on the fly by the person with the brain you.

Comment by Onado Actually, according to the events in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, almost the exact opposite is true.

Matthias tried to reason with Arthas, but Arthas silenced him by running him through with Frostmourne. Ner'zhul was delighted by this, declaring that he and Arthas were now free to merge into a single glorious being. Arthas rejected this offer, stating that once he had the power of the Lich King, no one would tell him what to do again.

He impaled the stunned Ner'zhul with Frostmourne, becoming the dominant personality of the Lich King and ending the dream.

Comment by Its easy on level Comment by IbFeeshin Soloable. Comment by The reason as to why ppl die on this fight is the transitions really and the orbs. So usually that is the reason so if you perfect it, YAY! Comment by Ravenhair Why. He refuses to die every damn time I'm on the run. So why won't you die? D: I swear my guild has done this 5 times, all halfly pugged and two of those runs they have killed him.

And those two times also happened to be the times when I wasn't there. Anyways, the plague and the orbs are going to be the main problem in this. If you get it, the fight is pretty much a kill already. Can be done with people. And can also be solo'd, both Mione and Raegwyn have done it. Comment by Syluxx I wonder Lets say 10man, you have one tank, 3 healers, 6 competent DPS. That's nothing that healers can't heal.

That's k damage that each DPS has to do. Making the damage a DPS needs to do k. Does he bug out and disappear or something? Does he stack another transition phase on top on the existing one? Does he start another transition phase after the first one?

This could be good for, say PuG groups trying to do achievements. All that they have to do, if you do both LK achievements, is to stay at a single spot, run diseases til 30 stacks, then just stand still and DPS LK till' he dies.

Spirits have k hp, they wont be an issue, just cleave them down. Comment by matiasvidal It's actually this way, if you build the lore and use it well: Ner'zhul's spirit was bound into an armor set, particularly a Helm Of Damnation. That said, Ner'zhul had to share the Power when the armor got a Physical body Arthas. So Arthas was inside his own body connected to the Helm of Damnation, where Ner'zhul lurks. Arthas was able to shut Ner'zhul and rule over the body and armor, even the Sipirts held within Frostmourne.

However, when Frostmourne shatters, all the spirits retake their power and purge Arthas, strip him of the souls he had taken, including his own, which returned to the Body - Arthas'. Just Arthas, who was killed in the process Since he was the body, the Body was killed, and The Lich King's power returned to the Helm, though it's unknown if the Power's return awakened Ner'Zhul or if the power is held within the Helm without apparent use.

When Arthas died and the souls escaped, his own soul came back to his body, regaining control and sparing his final moments with his fathers' soul. Soon, the body died, and the spirit died too, ascended to heaven, or hell, or whatever spirit world there is. However, the Power was held within the Helm the whole time, Ner'zhul is the only owner of the power, Arthas was just using it. As the mindless scourge needed a Leader to withdraw and control their hunger, Bolvar took the Helm, thus taking Ner'zhul's power for himself, becoming a second body for the Helm - A second Arthas.

He started talking to Tirion and, as he speaks, his voice changes to resemble that of Arthas when he had the Helm of Damnation. That said, we can guess that that's just the voice of whoever wears the Helm of Damnation, or whoever has the power of the Helm - Ner'zhul's power, OR that that Voice is actually Ner'zhul's The Lich King voice merging with the Body of the Armour.

If we go with the first choice, it's impossible to know if Ner'zhul's still sleeping or just standing by, watching, letting the power cause destruction, or wether if he's still asleep.

If we go for the second one, that means that Ner'zhul still sleeps inside the Armour and that the power is there for any body that took the Helm of Damnation Bolvar thus meaning that Bolvar has the control over the Lick King's powers and the Scourge itself.

However, if we go for the third one, that means that Ner'zhul was never defeated, that Arthas never took the power of the Helm, that it was Ner'zhul letting Arthas use them, that it was Ner'zhul who was talking to Tirion.

And, in the end, that would mean that The Lich King is far from over. Maybe Ner'zhul knew Arthas would die soon, or maybe he sits back and watches the show of his powers and the bodies that take them, or maybe we have to go by the other two choices.

Hope that clears out the confusion. Comment by What if There was a Lich Queen? Thoughts anyone? Comment by Solarscar Arthas' shoulder armor is less bulky, chromey and blackish compared to the ones WC3 ending and Wrath's Intro.. Comment by What happened to the articles? I used to rely on them for all my raids and now I don't see them anymore.

Where can I look up the strats now? I only watch the videos after I've read the article first then attempt the boss since the articles cover much more than the videos ever could and the videos are a lot more confusing, at first anyway.

Anyone else think so? Comment by Serizawa Arthas: Father, is it over? Terenas: No, my son; this raid resets next week. Terenas: :. Comment by biggpeyt Arthas:father is it over terenas:i dont know son I just came looking for a biscut.

Comment by biggpeyt Your by a wall Arthas charge's at you you step to the side. You:that was easy :. Comment by The Lich King:So these are the champions? The Lich King:This Comment by The Lich King was going around naxx,ulduar and trial of crusade and final he was sitting on ice chair,must be cold on chair?

But,I don't steel getted,why Lich King was walking northerend in dungeon's? Any answer? Comment by Last couple of weeks farming this on 25 man heroic. Helping friend to get shards for Shadowmourne.

Good luck and have fun :. Comment by magicsimon Today I viewed Lich King in the 3D Model Viewer and he turned into a Helicopter like form and started fly past the screen over and over again LK-Copter Link to a screenshot I took Comment by Fury of Frostmourne does 1,, damage, going to be great next xpac when we stack cooldowns and can survive it and The lich king making his "victory speech" as he claims our souls which arent dead when we kill him.

Then Tirion breaks the ice bonds and valiantly turns around and see's the lich king dead on the floor and says "Oh, good job team I'll go get my statue in Dalaran for this now" an smiles and walks off.

Comment by Supreme Death Knight. Comment by When a Val'kyr grabs a player and the rest don't kill her before she flies over the edge with the helpless one, a sudden death by falling does not have to happen. A quick witted priest can target the unlucky sod and pull him back to safety with "Leap of Faith" as he is dropped. Perfect timing and a steady nerve is necessary to pull that off. The player, then has the chance to continue the good fight.

Of course, there is so much going on that no one notices. Comment by this boss is so easy i could solo him with my 85 dk! Comment by Bauta I must say that the loot felt more epic back in the days than it does in cataclysm Comment by Not soloable by warriors if anyone thought maybe they could do it, might be possible if one was skilled enough but at least impossible for me. Time to level a blood DK to get that title.. Comment by silverhazed Solo'd prot pally ilvl Used focused shield glyph and just battered him till transition then nuked adds then back to lk.

Was able to solo all of ICC except Blood-Queen Lana'thel - couldn't nuke her fast enuff before being turned to vampire, so enlisted help of a lock to help me down her. Comment by TdarKoNe I know it's been soloed many times hell it was soloed long before MoP but here's how we did him in a duo with a more simple and in-depth explanation.

Phase 1: When you first engage The Lich King he will summon adds periodically consisting of 3 ghouls and 1 shambling horror, the ghouls die fairly quick while the horrors take a little bit longer. He also uses an ability called Necrotic Plague, which is a DoT that stacks up and jumps either when the target dies or it is cleansed - we didn't really notice this ability affecting us but if you see it pop up on yourself make sure you get it cleansed if you have the ability to.

He will run to the middle of the platform, cast Relentless Winter, and start casting Pain and Suffering very frequently, along with summoning frozen bombs that will throw you possibly off the edge if they reach you. You will want to get as far away from him as you can so you can kill the bombs before they reach you and minimize the damage TLK does to you. At the end he will cast Quake, destroying the outer ring of the platform, naturally you should move to the middle when he starts casting this.

If you didn't then you'll have to try and burst them down as soon as they pick up the other player. He will also cast an ability named Defile, which appears on the ground and deals damage, growing larger any time it does deal damage, so get out of it as soon as possible.

After this there was supposed to be a phase in which someone gets transported into Frostmourne, we however killed him so fast they he didn't have time to do this. Comment by Elreon Lich 25hm by 2 monks.

Next time we'll try as 2 brewmasters. I got to the outer ring in phase 2 with a few adds still alive but wasn't a problem at all. Saved earth shock to take out the ice spheres. You have to pay attention for defile and just run out. You want to stay at or near max health so infest doesn't affect you too much. Comment by Unain Solo'd as boomkin druid at level Average ilvl was doable with a lot less.

Comment by Foficles Hey, what is the lowest number people this can be done with in 25 hc? The only problem with few people is that valks will definetly throw at least people off the platform. Comment by Kaylord Is it able to control his minions with control undead? Comment by So i was thinking of going after his mount from HC mode , anyone knows if i can just rush through 10m normal mode and change it to 25man hc on Lich king , kinda boring since i dont need anything from the rest or i have to complete it in 25man.

P Arthas you will Live on as one of the Best bosses with the coolest Mechanics in game. Comment by Cinnamohn Soloed him on man with my Hunter ilv I explain the strategy I used and how you can go about doing it yourself. Comment by neopatra Apparantly when lich king kills all the raid near the end of the fight, you CAN stay alive.

Edit: well, that was long ago. The roleplay doesn't start and you are forced to Release Spirit. But when you come back to the instance, the boss is still there and when you kill the remaining Shambling Horror s the roleplay starts and you can kill the boss. Comment by So, today i was soloing the Lich King 10man and when he did the last spell which will kill you it didn't kill me it inflicted me for k and it was supposed to be for 1Million, here are some screenshots: i.

Comment by IhaveNoLife Here's a little tip to anyone farming Invincible: if you're quick enough, you can melee the ice spheres in the phase transitions. You never have to worry about being silenced at an inopportune moment. Comment by Zephytoth enhance shaman 25m hc. T2 is not as hard, but trouble comes again when getting the spirits down fast enough. I did stay on the stairs every transition. I'd say it is doable now, but needs a bit of luck and gear.

Most of the random deaths come from Infest or Silenced. EDIT: after a few hours of trying it is indeed doable by enhance solo. You pretty much need to get go T1 with only 2 shamblers. Fire nova from the adds also helps if everything is on cd. Just make your top priority towards LK. T1 Go atop the stairs, and start slapping the spirit once it comes. Capacitor totem works wonders on Shamblers when they enrage.

Position yourself so as the adds are near the throne, while you are "under" them. Well, few steps towards LK. This way the ice orbs shouldnt kick you around. Try aiming so that only one spirit is up after T1, preferably low hp. Use cds when they come up.

Beware when they enrage and remember to throw HR right before P2, so that infest doesnt kill you if the spirit silences you. That killed me so many times when it came at a bad time. P2 is not hard once adds are down. T2 At T2 I did a bit of dmg to LK while he was in the middle until the first orb spawned and then i ran to the stairs. There just kill the spirits.

You should aim at 2 spirits left or less, using cds freely. This one is cheesecake compared to T1. When there's s left on timers to get back to LK, pop SBT and Sham rage in case of spirits silencing you immediately. I think I went after LK at this point, keeping myself alive and popping whatever comes from cd.

After second mourne phase, I focused on spirits you could do this on first time, I was just worried about enrage timer. After 3rd mourne I had lust up again and popped all I had and hoped that I would kill him in time.

Raid Leader: Necrotic Plague on. Groups kill your assigned valk'yrs! Onlygoodhealer: Uhhh, guys? Remorseless Winter! Okay, here come the Raging Spirits! Casterperson: WTF I'm silenced! Healer: Me too! The final scripted RP stuff starts playing while everyone lies on the ground. I know it looks like you're dead, but it's part of the RP. We'll get rezzed in a minute by Tirion, and-- Halfoftheraid: Uh I released. Was I not supposed to?

I hate this fight. Comment by Heavy21 Today i've decided to try and solo him on 25 hc as a hunter , didn't take me long after about 7 or 8 tries i've managed to down him but that's not the reason im writing this. I wanted to mess around and i've deterrenced the fury of frostmourne and got him down to 1 hp , i've decided to wait for terenas to actually cast out the ress before i take him down , right after he casted the ress i've waited for maybe 1 or 2 seconds and started the attack but maybe half a second or so before me TIRION aka the ninja hit him before me , i believe because tirion got the killing blow i was not able to loot the boss at ALL.

EDIT: GM reply I have had a look into this for you, but sadly I can't find any record of the event playing out and the lich king being killed : As such I can't award out loot as the system never made any for the kill. Comment by Faistoiss Just a little tip for solo'ers out there, might not be something big because of the existence of Drums of Forgotten Kings , but if you go to Mount Hyjal and you accept the quest The Protectors of Hyjal and you go to Sethria's Roost, the npc that spawns there will cast on you.

Happy farming and good luck to all. Comment by Qoko The Lich King on 25hc is soloable by rogues. I did it as Combat, but a lower ilvl though not much might just work as well. I killed him as Assassination as well. There are a few videos on how rogues do this, but I wanted to share my strategies and pointers per phase, similar to how I have done this before for Kael'thas at Although spells used are specific for rogues, similar defensive abilities and strategies may work for other classes as well.

When the battle starts pop Evasion and all offensive cooldowns. Start to Blade Flurry as the Drudge Ghoul appear. When the Shambling Horror spawns, focus him whilst cleaving the LK. With decent dps you can skip phase two almost entirely. Move out of Defile , try to avoid it hitting the middle. Again keep Cloak of Shadows for an emergency on Infest. Intermission 2 If the LK chains intermissions, beware of Infest casts.

After Harvest Soul stay on the move inside Frostmourne, avoiding most damage. Infest is gone, so is your largest threat. Dps him down. Probably don't get Invincible's Reins Repeat it next week. And the week thereafter. For the next year. If there are any clear abilities or tweaks I have missed, be my guest to shape it up by replying. Good luck soloing. It's perfectly possible to keep dpsing the LK during intermission with Blade Flurry up.

I kept the strategies for those phases in there for convenience sake. The use of Recuperate is now at best a failsafe, but hardly required. Comment by Soloed LK 25 heroic a couple of times as a feral druid.

I'd rate the fight as abit troublesome though if you get p1 and the transition to p2 right it's a kill. Boss abilities; Necrotic Plague sometimes is an issue if you start ignoring adds, however for the most part it's not something you need to think about.

Shadowtraps is obvious - dont stand in them. However the real problem is Infest.. Ysera's Gift helps alot, aswell as making sure you save Predators Swiftness procs for around the time Infest is cast.

I reccomend getting the 4set bonus for this fight as it'll allow you to pretty much force 2 x Predators Swiftness in a row. As for overall strategy; Pop CD's and nuke LK as much as possible while aoeing down adds from the start.

When Shambling Horrors spawn switch to them NB; DBM wont warn you about shadow traps when you swich targets When they enrage use Typhoon to get some distance and kite or you'll take too much dmg and end up with too low health for when Infest comes. After remarking on how the dreadlords were masters of infiltration and illusion, Bolvar declared that their forces must remain vigilant and warned the Maw Walker to stay alert, as the nathrezim could be anywhere.

To Bolvar's surprise, he recognized the magic as coming from Torghast, Tower of the Damned , and thus implored the Maw Walker to bring the sigil to the Runecarver. Thus Bolvar further informed that should the mortals fail to stop the Jailer, then the covenants must remember its purpose, find its future, and forge new sigils that could be used to pursue Zovaal, should the assault fail.

Bolvar was then ordered to send words to his allies within Oribos, that they must defend the Arbiter 's sigil at all cost. After Thenios confided to Bolvar his belief that Uther the Lightbringer may never heal due to missing a fragment of his soul, as a result Frostmourne killing him, Bolvar revealed that he had seen visions of where such vessels were kept.

Furthermore, Bolvar warned that retrieving it will prove perilous, as the Jailer kept his treasures well guarded. When they did so, Bolvar joined them in the conflict.

Despite defeating the likes of the The Nine and Kel'Thuzad , Sylvanas was able to stall them long enough for the Jailer to absorb the essence of the Arbiter into his being. Bolvar was then briefly controlled by Zovaal through the use of Domination magic before he was released after Sylvanas, who realized that the Jailer never intended to not to break the system of Death and give everyone free will as she had believed, but to forge a new reality where all would be forced to serve him, attacked him.

In response, Zovaal reunited Sylvanas with the missing fragment of her soul before leaving with the mind-controlled Anduin, and thus allowing Bolvar and his allies to imprison Sylvanas. Please add any available information to this section. After suffering betrayal at the doorstep of his nemesis, a brave paladin was reborn in the searing heat of enchanted dragon flames.

No longer fit to dwell among the living, alone he shall endure as the steward of a misbegotten throng. Valiance Keep monument of Varian Wrynn. Our efforts in Lordaeron have been all for naught. Despite numerous setbacks, the Scourge remain unfazed. We must cut them off at the source. The time draws near to sail for Northrend. I don't know what awaits us; only that our enemies are numerous and are eager for our slaughter.

But we cannot pursue any other path in good conscience. Azeroth depends on our vigilance. His miraculous return from long years of exile and hardship has ignited a new fire of spirit and courage within the Alliance. We shall march boldly into these perilous lands holding his valor and his tenacity in our hearts. Lord Bolvar Fordragon is as stalwart and loyal of a soldier as they come, perhaps to a fault.

While he does his best to look after Stormwind 's interests, he seems to have fallen under the charm of the alluring Lady Katrana Prestor , much like many others in the kingdom.

By deferring to her judgment, he has allowed for some crucial gaps in the defenses of human -controlled territory. Lady Katrana Prestor and Lord Bolvar Fordragon serve as the king's main advisors, and they pretty much call the shots.

Bolvar is a good man, and a damn good fighter. The thing is, he is not one to insult the judgment of an "educated" lady like Katrana Prestor.

That is a problem, because it seems like her advice is pretty much the exact opposite of anything a logical person with half a brain would come up with. Bolvar leads his troops well, and he is a great boon to Alliance forces when he is out in the field.

He is one of the few who is aware that the true king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn , is probably alive—and missing. This is one of the justifications for keeping most of Stormwind's army centralized; Katrana has convinced Bolvar that the boy King, Anduin, will be the next target of whoever captured or killed the real King on his diplomatic mission. It is suspected that Varian was captured because his trip to Theramore signified an effort to make peace with the Horde , and a number of forces wish the fighting between the Alliance and the Horde to continue.

The card image shows him fighting Onyxia's Elite Guards. He is also featured in the Wrathgate set. He is also quoted on the " Order Must Be Restored " card. Bolvar appear as a legendary card for the paladin class in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion for Hearthstone. His flavor text reads: "Spoiler alert: Bolvar gets melted and then sits on an ice throne and everyone forgets about him.

He reappears in the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion as the legendary paladin card Bolvar, Fireblood. His flavor text reads: "He's so hot right now.

Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind Harbor. Bolvar on the Northrend loading screen Cataclysm. Bolvar, Fireblood in Hearthstone.

Shadowlands key art, depicting Bolvar and his new death knights in the Maw. BlizzConline key art for World of Warcraft. Wowpedia Explore.

Main Page All Pages. World of Warcraft. Classic Vanilla The Frozen Throne Reforged. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Bolvar Fordragon. View source. History Talk This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft. This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King. Bolvar Fordragon on the Frozen Throne. This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor. This section concerns content related to Legion.

This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth. Bolvar took on the power of the Lich King. He is not being tortured - he has been empowered. And power is a corrupting force like no other. So what might we expect from Bolvar? Is he our worst nightmare, or is he the great and dark force that we will simply count ourselves lucky for having him on our side?

Five days until Blizzcon. If the Shadowlands leak is real - and usually the real ones come around when this one did - it suggests that he'll be playing at least some kind of role. Will he be plot fodder? Someone to kill off at the beginning and throw everything into disarray? Will be be our only hope against the forces of Death? Or is Bolvar - no, scratch that - is the Lich King ready to make his move, and not repeat the same mistakes his predecessor made?

Labels: World of Warcraft. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. However, the noble spirit of Fordragon resisted the Lich King's depredations. After the death of Arthas Menethil , the mortal host of the Lich King, Fordragon demanded that Tirion Fordring place the Helm of Domination , containing all of the powers of the Scourge, on his head, so that he would forever be the jailer of the damned - imprisoning the Lich King within the Frozen Throne once more and containing the threat of the Scourge.

He is voiced by Carlos Larkin. This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft. Lord Bolvar was as stalwart and loyal of a soldier as they come, perhaps to a fault. By deferring to her judgment, he had allowed for some crucial gaps in the defenses of human-controlled territory. He was one of the few who was aware that the true king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn, was missing and probably alive. It was suspected that Varian was captured because his trip to Theramore signified an effort to make peace with the Horde , and a number of forces wished the fighting between the Alliance and the Horde to continue.

Bolvar at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate. This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King. Upon Varian's return, Fordragon commanded the defense of Stormwind against a surprise Scourge attack , and afterwards led the armies of the Alliance to Northrend, where he aids Alliance players in defeating the lich Thel'zan the Duskbringer.

In a bold maneuver, his forces laid siege to Angrathar the Wrathgate , the rear entrance to the dread Icecrown Citadel. During the encounter, in which Saurfang fell to Frostmourne , an explosion rang out behind the Lich King, and out came Grand Apothecary Putress. Announcing to the Scourge leader that the Forsaken have neither forgotten nor forgiven him, a number of catapults moved behind him and launched an unprovoked attack on both Alliance and Horde forces.

Bolvar ordered his troops to fall back, but was eventually killed by the gas, the life sucked out of him, and his very body rotting before finally dying. The Forsaken attack was considered by the Alliance to be outright treachery on the part of the Horde, giving King Varian — who had considered Bolvar a brother — a reason to purge the Horde from Lordaeron.

Enraged, Varian led Alliance forces in a battle for the Undercity to bring Putress to justice. It is later revealed that Bolvar's body was recovered by the Scourge along with that of Dranosh Saurfang , and has been tortured mercilessly by the Lich King.

Despite the Lich King's extensive efforts to corrupt him, however, he has thus far managed to resist. After the Lich King is slain in Icecrown Citadel, a cinematic opens up, at last revealing Bolvar's fate.

As he did so, Bolvar intervened, calling from his seat upon the Frozen Throne , his body warped by the red dragonflight 's fire.


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