Why did charmander evolve

Despite the fight not going in Charmander's favor at the beginning, it was eventually able to beat Koga's Golbat thanks to a combination of Ember and Fire Spin that gave Ash the Soul Badge. Charmander was chosen to stop a group of rampaging Exeggutor. After it did so, Ash and the team were surprised when it evolved into Charmeleon. Unfortunately, Charmander's happy personality and loyalty disappeared upon it evolving into Charmeleon , the reason being that Charmeleon's own skill level excelled that of Ash's and as such, it disrespected him.

During a practice battle in which Ash sought to help a Paras Cassandra owned evolve into a Parasect , it responded by going against Ash's orders and ruthlessly attacked the Paras, causing it to flee in tears.

Ash was about to reprimand Charmeleon, but Charmeleon used a Flamethrower on him before turning on Brock and Misty , the former of whom commented that Charmeleon was way out of control. Luckily, though, Pikachu intervened and knocked Charmeleon out with a Thunderbolt , enabling Ash to recall it. It orders Aerodactyl to fight, but it refuses while it insulted Charmeleon long enough to cause him to stomp its feet angrily and roars to evolve into a Charizard as everyone sees it evolved and a close-up of Charizard finally unleashes its Flamethrower and wants to have revenge against Aerodactyl for insulting him instead of rescuing Ash from its grasp.

It did its best to defeat the Aerodactyl by chasing it but accidentally used Flamethrower on Ash before Jigglypuff puts them to sleep using Sing while Charizard rescues Ash before falling into sleep itself. Upon being released from its Ball, it accidentally simply shot out flames onto Ash again, and still ignored his orders.

However, it actually battled against other Fire-types. In Riddle Me This! In Volcanic Panic! With that, it helps stop the lava from flowing while being aided by Brock's Onix and Geodude and Ash's Pikachu while cooling off from Misty's Staryu and Ash's Squirtle. After they stopped the lava from flowing, both Charizard and Magmar are glaring into each other's eyes and wanted to test their strength, which leads them to battle at the top of the volcano.

He listened to Ash in his battle against Magmar as both are equally matched when unleashing their Flamethrower. Charizard also managed to block and threw Magmar's powerful Fire Blast away, making Magmar knock him out with Skull Bash.

Charizard retaliates the same way, and both are seen grabbing each other hands. Magmar manages to grab and throw Charizard into the volcano. However, Charizard survives after getting thrown into the volcano as it flies with Magmar into the sky, much to Blaine's horrible shock, allowing Ash to show Charizard its Submission in mid-air to make Magmar dizzy, and throws it with Seismic Toss back into the volcano in an explosion, making Ash win the battle when Magmar finally passed out and collapsed to the ground after barely surviving Charizard's Seismic Toss.

When Ash tries to return Charizard to his Ball, Charizard scorches him with its Flamethrower, finally showing his disobedience to him again while unleashing most of its Flamethrower into the sky. He also battled Ritchie's Charmander , and easily crushed it. Charizard retained its disobedience in the episode, Pallet Party Panic!

After Pidgeotto was hit from Arbok's Poison Sting, Ash releases it to save Pikachu but it fails and it does not listen when it looked at the bunch of fruits. However, Team Rocket managed to throw bombs throughout Pallet Town until they destroyed the fruits that Charizard wanted to eat causing the former to get enraged.

When Team Rocket continues to throw bombs at Charizard, it retaliates by using its wings to whack the bombs back at Team Rocket, leaving them to scream as the balloon explodes, causing them to blast off again. Charizard continues to get out of control by firing its Flamethrower, despite Ash's attempts to put it back to its Poke Ball due to being hit with its Flamethrower on his face. It defeated a trainer's Tauros in one hit, only to go on a rampage that was contained by Elite Four member Lorelei.

It also used Flamethrower on Ash while it was trying to make a sled to use against Danny. Ash dodged somehow , and the Flamethrower made the perfect sled, helping Ash win the round. As he won the round, Charizard embarrassed Ash. After Team Rocket is blasted off by Scyther's Skull Bash, Charizard and Scyther finally set their differences and return to their respective territory.

A turning point in their relationship came when Ash chose Charizard to battle Tad's Poliwrath. After Charizard's refusal to obey him cost Ash the match and went on another rampage, Charizard was frozen by Poliwrath's Ice Beam , leaving its tail flame on the verge of going out again because of its frozen body.

Throughout the night, Ash resolved to keep Charizard warm, rubbing it with his hands to provide heat in the form of friction, which risked rubbing his hands raw. Before the night ended, Ash told that he only wanted to be good enough for it and reminded Charizard of how long they had been together since Charizard was a Charmander, which Charizard recollected as it remembered how Ash saved its life as a Charmander and realizes how badly it treated its trainer after seeing how much Ash deeply cares for it.

After seeing his efforts to save it from certain death, Charizard's loyalty to Ash returned in full force; the best part of Charmander's pre-evolved personality was back. In the end, their Dragon Rages collided. Although Dragonite was injured by the explosion, Charizard fainted and Dragonite still had enough energy to defeat Ash's Squirtle and Tauros before finally being defeated by Pikachu. Charizard was also used in Ash's trainer battles, easily winning every battle.

In Charizard's Burning Ambitions , Charizard is seen unable to fly properly while being mounted by Ash which leads them to crash into the forest and running uphill to catch up with the others. When Charizard entered the Charicific Valley , it became surprised horribly to see wild Charizard that are much taller and more powerful than him. Despite Liza's warnings, it immediately challenged one of the many Charizards that were there, only to be humiliated at its constant losses and severe injuries even when it deflects its sneak attacks.

Team Rocket respected Charizard as a "fellow loser", and kept it alive while he was in the lake. Laura Gray is a writer, illustrator and gamer in cozy Boise Idaho. They have had a wild freelance career in being a nerd, spending time traveling as a professional cosplayer and becoming a published illustrator while working the night grind as an IT tech. They are also busy welcoming their first child into their life, which has been the best adventure life has given yet.

By Laura Gray Published Jan 23, Boards Pokemon X Been watching the anime again.. WTFNightmare posted I'm not the only one who was bugged by this! Alas, the consequence was Charizard disobeying Ash for a long time due to his lack of experience as a Pokemon trainer. User Info: pryceoflife.

Oh ya. This one makes sense. Pretty sure this is the first real nonperverted discussion on this board in a while Pokemon Y FC- Safari: metang, magneton, klefki. User Info: Sephini. Pretty sure this is the first real nonperverted discussion on this board in a while Charizard was obviously not satisfied with Ash.

User Info: pokemega He blatantly refused to listen to Ash's commands, continuing to use Flamethrower despite it having no effect on Poliwrath. Tad and Poliwrath resisted all of them until Poliwrath responded with a Water Gun that nearly doused the flame on Charizard's tail. He was then encased in ice by Poliwrath's Ice Beam , much to Ash's horror. Ash managed to smash the ice encasing Charizard's head, and Tad walked away scornfully, telling Ash that they would have a rematch when he could control Charizard.

Ash lit a fire and thawed Charizard out, before rubbing Charizard all over to help him regain his body heat. Pikachu pointed out that Ash's hands were rubbed raw, but Ash replied that he didn't mind, and redoubled his efforts upon seeing that Charizard's tail flame was so small.

Charizard woke up in a panic and tried to attack, but he was so cold that he could not produce a flame and passed out again. Misty provided a blanket and Tracey kept the fires up while Pikachu watched the flame, but Ash himself worked throughout the entire night to help Charizard recover. The selfless act reminded Charizard of everything Ash had done for him since he was a Charmander. Ash and Pikachu were briefly knocked out during the rescue, and Charizard became so incensed he learned Dragon Rage.

He also proceeded to aid Ash alongside Squirtle by pulling a discarded metal part and even countered Moltres's flame blasts alongside Squirtle and Pikachu when the titans tried to attack them, although he was ultimately forced to return to his Pokeball after the titans simultaneously created a rift and a wall of ice barring Ash from continuing onward to Ice Island.

Charizard defeated Drake's Electabuzz by blocking its electricity with Fire Spin and knocking it out with Seismic Toss. He also fought Dragonite , but was hit by a powerful Water Gun and then Slammed into the ground. After a clash of Dragon Rages, Charizard fainted, but his attacks had begun to wear Dragonite down, paving the way for Pikachu to finish it off and give Ash the victory.

Charizard also accompanied Ash on his journey to the Johto region, although it became apparent that he was unfairly superior to most of Ash's early competition. Team Rocket later capitalized on Casey's frustration, calling Charizard an illegal choice by Ash. His massive size compared to her came into effect when Chikorita ran towards him and tried to attack; Charizard responding by placing his foot out and blowing a small puff of fire after being instructed by Ash to only weaken her.

Charizard's puff of fire ended up on Chikorita's single leaf and caused her to run around for a short amount of time before using Vine Whip to attack Charizard. Charizard was recalled by Ash after he and Chikorita fell into a large canvas of rocks.

Due to the latter's impressive Speed , Charizard started at a disadvantage, with Pidgeot's Whirlwind reflecting his Flamethrower back onto him. He was then knocked back down by a combination of Wing Attack and Quick Attack. Falkner told Ash to surrender but Ash refused and Charizard gained the strength to fight back and fly above Quick Attack. Charizard then baited Pidgeot, spinning around in midair when Pidgeot flew behind him and hitting it with Fire Spin, before seizing it and hurling it into the ground with Seismic Toss.

Pidgeot was knocked out and Ash won the Zephyr Badge. In Charizard's Burning Ambitions , Misty criticized Ash for using Charizard too often against fresh young Trainers, making him unbeatable but in an unfair way. Ash then met Liza , who taught Ash and Charizard how to fly together. After arriving in the Charicific Valley , Charizard was humiliated by Liza's insults and proudly tried to show off his power, but was shown to be smaller and weaker than the wild Charizard who lived there.

Charizard continued to pick fights and kept getting himself beaten until Liza locked them out of the Valley, having Charla throw Charizard into the lake and telling him and Ash to stay away until they had trained and reflected. Team Rocket sympathized with Charizard and helped him to stay awake in the lake, as well as making a false attempt to break into the Valley, allowing Charizard to defeat them and win acclaim from Liza, Charla, and the wild Charizard.

Facing an emotional battle, Ash told Charizard that he did not want a weakling on his team and he would be fine without him, forcing Charizard to stay at the Valley to train and become more powerful.

He then ran away from the Valley, knowing that if he stopped, he would not be able to say goodbye. Pikachu wished Charizard well and followed Ash, leaving his teammate and friend behind. Later that night, Charizard arrived just in time to catch Ash and Pikachu when Entei knocked them out of a tower. Charizard then battled Entei with Ash riding on its back, but though it was briefly able to send Entei flying with Fire Spin, Molly Hale 's reality-warping powers granted by the Unown tipped the scales too much in Entei's favor, like when crystal spikes would emerge to impede Charizard's flight.

Entei eventually pinned Charizard and prepared to break its neck, but Molly came to her senses and convinced Entei to stop. Charizard, Pikachu, and Entei worked together to defeat the Unown when their powers went berserk and threatened to destroy everything, but this came at the cost of Entei's existence. With the crisis over, Charizard returned to the Charicific Valley.

During his time in the Charicific Valley, Charizard took the role of Charla's bodyguard, and the two seem to have a sort of romantic relationship with each other. One such visit was in Great Bowls of Fire! He caused the water in the Gym's pool to evaporate with his Flamethrower and Fire Spin, thus depriving Dragonair of its protection. He then caught Dragonair with Seismic Toss and used Fire Spin to create a flaming twister to wear down Dragonair's defenses before it hit the ground and was knocked out.

Ash surprised Liza by sending him back for training, knowing that Charizard still had a lot to learn. Gary's Blastoise and Scizor cut Ash's team down to only Charizard, who had to fight three opponents single-handedly. He managed to match Scizor's speed and took advantage of his significant type advantage, defeating Scizor with a single Flamethrower. Charizard struggled against Gary's Blastoise, as it had supreme defensive capabilities and could keep Charizard at bay with Hydro Pump.

Thinking outside the box, Ash told Charizard to superheat the field, which forced Blastoise to spend time cooling the molten rock. This created a huge steam cloud and allowed Charizard to seize Blastoise at close range. Blastoise could still use Withdraw to dodge Dragon Rage, so Charizard hurled Blastoise into the ground with Seismic Toss, defeating it and leaving Ash as the winner.

Charizard was then used in Ash's fight against Harrison in Playing with Fire! Charizard's aerial advantage was negated by Blaziken's powerful legs and ability to maneuver in midair. Blaziken even managed to get up after a devastating Seismic Toss, while Charizard took a Blaze Kick to the neck and continued on. Charizard once again returned to Charicific Valley, and it was later revealed that he had injured Blaziken so badly that Harrison had to rest his primary battler in the next round, which contributed to his later loss.

Ash and Charizard flew together, where Charizard demonstrated a far improved Flamethrower and that he had learned Dragon Breath. However, Articuno did not take much damage from Flamethrower or Dragon Breath, blinding Charizard with Mist and then knocking him to the ground with Steel Wing.

Articuno then inflicted serious damage with Water Pulse and froze Charizard's wing tip, crippling his movements. Finally, Charizard used Overheat, which he had just learned, to melt the ice. Charizard collapsed, but managed to get up just as Articuno passed out, giving Ash and Charizard the victory. He went up against Dusclops.


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