Why muslims cant eat pork

It can damage almost all the organs of the body. A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis another worm commonly found in pork , twenty two had cooked the pork very well.

This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal cooking temperature. Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is not surprising that hypertension is a common ailment due to the prevalence of the consumption of pork. She considers herself a global citizen. Tags ask a muslim islam and pork muslims and pork spokane favs ask a muslim why don't muslims eat pork.

Your email address will not be published. Share this story! About the Author Latest Posts. This may partially explain what goes on in India for those who strict vegans toward the Muslims there. The sensitiveness, the intolerance and the aggression of some of the vegans toward the Muslims who are beef-eater.

Among the meat-eaters, there are herbivorous animal eaters and both herbivorous and carnivorous eaters. The strange thing about the latter group is that they eat pork as the only animal from the group of carnivorous animals, but do not eat the meat of cats, rats, dogs, mice and the like. Fangary reported that many people who eat carnivorous animals tend to be vicious, lack of humane attitudes toward other people, are ready to kill others without reason, and some are even known to eat the meat of other people.

Looking further into the behavior of the hog, one may find that it is a unique animal. The boar does not mind seeing his sow mating with another boar in front of him.

This habit is unique in that other animals can not tolerate it. To speak for the boar, one may say that the boar is, in effect, saying, let his sow mate with other boars; and who cares who is mating as long as they his sow and the other boars agree among themselves and they are enjoying sex among themselves.

Thus, the sow has the permission to mate with as many as she wants and in front of her own boar without any shame of both. In a such a situation the sow acts as the worst prostitute while the boar acts with immoralities to allow his female to mate with others even infront of his own eyes and without much concern.

To eat flesh of such animals may affect the personality character of the individual as it was mention before that such a hormone injected into calves increase the ratio of homosexuality of human who ate it. The free mixing of the sexes is really a dreadfully thing to observe. There is no concept of ethics or morality among many people but their concept of sex enjoyment without responsibility and free sex interchange.

Pre-marital relationships and the increased rate of illegitimate pregnancies are predominant features in the western societies. The degree of rape and the general obsession with sex in western societies are beyond control. The rate of incidence of looting, killing, stabbing, shooting, snipping, strangling, robbing, stockpiling of arms, and the like are among the many other evils of the modern societies that cannot be tolerated any more. If any improvement has to take place in any society, it has to be started from the diet so that to be able to change the body chemistry including the central the central nervous system and the brain, and hence the moral standards of individuals.

Moral teachings are to be followed by the society and the family. Some 1, years later it is the Prophet Muhammad who also points to the pig as a tainted animal. Yahweh and Allah have forbidden the pig for millions of Jews and hundreds of millions of Muslims. Harris points out and reviews several hypotheses that explain the ostracism and the prohibition of the pig; the most obvious and popular until the Renaissance, is the belief that the pig was a very dirty animal since it wallows in its own excrement.

However, the anthropologist considers this reason insufficient and uncertain to justify why Muslims do not eat pork, since other animals such as cows, if they remain in a closed enclosure, can do the same.

The pig makes up for its inability to sweat by cooling off with the clean mud , but if it does not have this and the space where it lives does not allow it to cool off in any other way, then it becomes covered with its own feces. The higher the temperature, the dirtier the pig becomes and the arid climate of the Middle East would contribute to the dirt of these animals.

The prohibition of the pig for reasons of public health was also endorsed in the thirteenth century by Maimonides, the influential Jewish theologian and doctor. For Harris, although this theory is plausible, it does not justify such an exhaustive prohibition, and he attributes the rational consolidation of this dietary taboo to the discovery in the midth century that trichinosis was caused by ingesting pork that had not been well cooked.

Nor is this a definitive explanation for the anthropologist, since he claims that other diseases at the time caused by other animals were much more serious than trichinosis and even lethal, and the animals that transmitted them were not banned.


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