That sounds completely stupid and illogical. How could eating food make you lose weight? After seeing the wacky commercial again I decided to do some research and find out if its really true. So what is it exactly? From my understanding Sensa is crystallized substance like salt.
It contains maltodextrin , tricalcium phosphate, silica and flavoring. How it works is that the person who is using the product sprinkles it on their meal as if it was salt or pepper. My next question is are there side effects?
How much is too much? Some common side effects of Sensa are :. Some other reported more serious reactions are:. Although like most diets results vary because all people are different and have different reactions. But the effort is necessary, lifestyle changes are urgent in order to have sustainable results. Ask your doctor. He or she will tell you: there is no magic bullet for weight loss, just hard work and persistence.
HealthStatus has been operating since providing the best interactive health tools on the Internet, millions of visitors have used our blood alcohol, body fat and calories burned calculators. The HealthStatus editorial team has continued that commitment to excellence by providing our visitors with easy to understand high quality health content for many years.
Our team of health professionals, and researchers use peer reviewed studies as source elements in our articles. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Plan for Weight Loss Does Sensa make sense? HealthStatus Team 0 0. Magic bullet diets Every single day there is a new diet or weight loss product on the market, all promising to make us thin and beautiful. How does Sensa work? Olfactory smell senses and feeling of satiety The link between our sense of smell and dietary habits have been extensively researched.
Does it work? It also contains maltodextrin, tricalcium phosphate, silica and soy and milk ingredients. A point the manufacturer makes much of: No MSG. No salt. No sugar. No calories. So even if the product helps you lose weight — with no side effects, to keep the weight off you will have to keep paying these costs indefinitely, if you really want to avoid changing your lifestyle.
If you check out public forums and message boards about Sensa you will run across some unhappy customers. Reports of headaches, nausea, stomach pains. Of course, claims for either side are hard to gauge from internet reports.
There is a legitimate idea underneath Sensa—somewhere. Today, you can still get suckered by companies that sell Sensa on amazon. You can also buy Sensa from other merchants on the Internet. And surprise! Find this article about weight-loss supplements interesting and useful? Nutrition Action Healthletter subscribers regularly get sound, timely information about how nutrients can affect their health.