This cube weighs 1,, kilograms 3,, pounds. That's a lot of money, but not an unimaginable amount. For example, that's about how much the Pentagon spent launching the GPS satellite system. Figuring out the total amount of gold that has been produced by man is a little harder. To get at some kind of estimate, let's figure that the world has been producing gold at 50 million ounces a year for years.
That number is probably a little high, but when you figure that the Aztecs and the Egyptians produced a fair amount of gold for a long time, it's probably not too far off. Ten billion ounces of gold would fit into a cube roughly 25 meters about 82 feet on a side. Consider that the Washington Monument measures 55 feet by 55 feet at its base and is feet tall 17 x 17 x m.
That means that if you could somehow gather every scrap of gold that man has ever mined into one place, you could only build about one-third of the Washington Monument.
Platinum is even more scarce than gold. Maybe they're all way off. The good news is that we are not likely to run out of gold any time soon. The US Geological Survey estimates there are 52, tonnes of minable gold still in the ground and more is likely to be discovered. The bad news is that the way we use gold is starting to change. Up to now it has never gone away.
It has always been recycled. That means that if you have a gold watch, some of the gold in that watch could have been mined by the Romans 2, years ago," says James Turk.
The way gold is being used in the technology industry, however, is different. In short, gold may be being "consumed" for the first time. The Real Asset Company. The Gold Standard Institute. But is that all there is? And if so, how do we know? So how much is left in the Earth? The answer is also a little uncertain. Total gold reserves below ground estimate that there are around 54, tonnes left.
With tools such as robots and smart data mining, certain gold expeditions will become cheaper and cheaper. But we could start with difficult to access places such as Antartica where conditions make it a lot harder to access and mine gold.
Most of the gold we currently use is recycled — yes, that means the gold chain you own could have been used by Marcus Aurelius! What about gold resources? Apparently, the sea contains more than 20 million tonnes of gold.