How long ten plagues last

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Rashi Bo Thick darkness in which they did not see each other for those three days, and another three days of darkness twice as dark as this, so that no one rose from his place — sabbahillel. Add a comment. Based on my studies, I am guessing about months. Here is why. We do know several facts for sure. First, the Bible says in Ex that Moses was 80 years old when the 10 plagues started after he spoke to Pharaoh.

After the plagues were done, and Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go, they wandered in the desert for 40 years Num , Moses died at the end of the 40 years at the age of Deut Therefore, if Moses was 80 at the start, wandered 40 years, and died at , the plagues had to have ended in under a year.

I believe we can narrow this time down even more by looking at a few other facts. We know the duration of 3 of the plagues. The first plague lasted for 7 days Ex , the 9th lasted for 3 days Ex , and the 10th was for one night, beginning at midnight Ex For example, I read somewhere that it would only take a few days for a swarm of millions of locusts the 8th plague to destroy every bit of green vegetation in sight.

This being said, if we make the average length of each plague say 4 days, we have a total of 40 days that the plagues lasted. What the Bible Has To Say. The 1st plague lasted for 7 days Exodus The 9th plague lasted for 3 days only Exodus The 10th plague lasted only one night the night of the Exodus 15th of the first month.

That is just 11 days for 3 of the plagues. Let us now consider the 7th plague. In Exodus we read, "the flax and barley were ruined, for the barley was in the ear and the flax was in bloom. Barley also blooms around February; here it says it already is a young, tender ripened plant, so they were both ruined.

We know that wheat and spelt bloom a month or two later ripe at Shavuot that is why it states that they were not ruined, so hence this plague could not have lasted more than a month, and really not that long, because the barley was aviv ripe and when the barley was aviv , God said that was the first month, and the Passover took place in the first month. So, all of the 7th plague took place in the first month of aviv. When the 8th plague was sent swarms of locusts , God said they would destroy "every plant of the land that the hail left.

This means that it shortly followed the hail, still before the wheat and spelt were in bloom probably in late February or early March. We know the 10th plague occurred on the 15th of Aviv.


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