TudorVieru Feb 18, Details Edit. Release date June 1, United States. United States. Official site. Zeitgeist: The Movie. Gentle Machine Productions. Box office Edit. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 1 hour 58 minutes. Related news. Jun 21 The Hollywood Interview. Apr 4 FilmSchoolRejects. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Edit page. Hollywood Icons, Then and Now. See the gallery. The Rise of Will Smith. The lobby was completely blown out before the building collapsed.
The irregularities about NORAD's response to the errant passenger liners are so blatant as to raise serious questions about procedures. Where were the jets? War game exercises and the actual hijacks could not be separated on radar. Even the Commission could not explain the collapse of Building 7. When Bush and Cheney met with the Commission, they did so only on their own terms: no oaths taken, no press, no recording devices, and they agreed to appear together and not singly.
The word "terrorism" was hypnotically repeated and often accompanied by "believed to be linked to al-Qaida. We learn why this is called "a monstrous myth. On July 7, , three trains and a bus were bombed, killing 56 people.
An "anti-terror exercise" just happened to be taking place as well--dealing with the exact bombing scenario at the exact train stations at virtually the same time. It is surmised that the training exercise offered cover for the real bombing. Facts, data, and statistics about military spending, subverted rights under the Bill of Rights, and the preemptive war that killed , civilians give rise to one question: Were two pilots and two planes actually responsible for instigating all the spending, manipulating, dehumanizing, and killing?
For additional digital leasing and purchase options contact a media consultant at press option 3 or sales films. This program paints a controversial picture of the events of September 11, It describes how the attacks on the United States have been elevated to a sacred, near-religious level—and that to challenge the orthodox view, regardless of the quality of the contrary arguments, is considered blasphemy and to be rejected.
A part of Zeitgeist: The Series. Dare to dissent and your chip is "deactivated". Now I'll be the first to stand up and admit that Zeitgeist had its finger on the pulse if we all end up getting "Intel Inside" and if the chip allows me to stand up , but this is surely adding two plus two and getting Pi.
These are surreal perversions of genuine issues and debates, and they tarnish all criticism of faith, the Bush administration and globalisation - there are more than enough factual injustices in this world to be going around without having to invent fictional ones.
One really wishes Zeitgeist was a masterful pastiche of 21st-century paranoia, a hilarious mockumentary to rival Spinal Tap. But it's just deluded, disingenuous and manipulative nonsense.
It gives the last word to that famous philosopher, Jimi Hendrix: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
So here's a zenlike chiasmus of my own, for all the conspiratorial DIY moviemakers daring to foist more gibberish on a credulous populace: "If you pretend to know only truth, in truth you know only pretence. Please update your payment details to keep enjoying your Irish Times subscription. Zeitgeist: the nonsense Sat, Aug 25, , When she becomes pregnant, the haut-bourgeois Swiss family comes apart at the seams.
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