Enter Search Terms. Skip to content Skip to logon Skip to navigation Skip to footer. Henneth Annun Reseach Center. Pippin felt cold and sick again. Suddenly he fell face downward on the turf. Hard hands with rending nails gripped and lifted him. He was carried like a sack once more, and darkness grew about him: whether the darkness of another night, or a blindness of his eyes, he could not tell You want some?
Then keep your mouth shut. Pippin: You're hurt. It was just an act. Pippin: An act? Merry: See? I don't see how the scene is "transformed and distorted" beyond recognition in the film, or even how it would be difficult to recognize. It is IMO quite close both in language and feel to the original. It is certainly not an "invention" never thought I'd see so much negative connotation on that word! IMO the Orc draught scene achieves this brilliantly. As I see it there are two differences between the books scene and the movies, which slightly changes the complexion of this scene: The first is the size and hardihood of the Uruk-hai.
In the books they were large for Orcs , but still smaller than a man. They were certainly strong, but even then it would be difficult for them to carry the two Hobbits all the way across Rohan. The Uruk-hai in the movie are huge- bigger than most men, and easily able to carry the two Hobbits.
Which of course brings up the point that Merry and Pippin in the movies would never have been able to keep up with the pace of the Uruk-hai, had they ever been put onto the ground.
It still bothers me in the book that when Merry and Pippin are forced to run, they actually outpace the three hunters- Merry, Pippin, and the Orcs run across Rohan in two days, while it take Legolas , Gimli , and Aragorn four days to accomplish the same feat! And I thought Aragorn was supposed to be "the most hardy of living men"!
One last point about the size of the Uruk-hai: it would have been quite impossible to film Dominic and Billy as Hobbits running along side the Uruk-hai, as the Hobbit actors would be too tall proportional to the Orc actors. The "carrying" sequences still required camera trickery, but it was of a relatively easy sort. The second difference is that the Movie scene is an amalgam of several scenes from the book- the one in which Pippin first wakes up and the orcs argue, the one in which Merry is revived and the two Hobbits are first forced to run, and the later scene where Pippin ducks off on his own to drop the brooch.
All of this including the Orcs 'arguing' is accomplished in some 20 lines. Therefore I haven't included all of the book lines which pertain to the movie scene, the only important ones for this discussion being where Pippin thinks "Where was Merry? If you can honestly say that this scene is only "loosely" based on the books, or that it is "transformed and distorted", then I would say that you really did want a word-for-word translation from books to film.
As far as I can tell there is nothing confusing about the scene, and Merry and Pippin certainly are not acting like clowns. Personally I'd say that Merry's dialog of "I'm fine. I fooled you too. Certainly some of the motivation is missing from the scene needing to heal the Hobbits so that they'll run , but I think that is the case in virtually every scene in the movie- it's impossible to present all the details of every scene in the books, there's simply too much of it!
As I see it there are two differences between the books scene and the movies It still bothers me in the book that when Merry and Pippin are forced to run, they actually outpace the three hunters The second difference is that the Movie scene is an amalgam of several scenes from the book Obviously he was more than just sick, as the blood running down his face shows. No, He chokes because they pour too much horrible drink down his throat The blood IS the orc liquor, not Merry 's, as can be seen in the statement "Can't take his blood".
Look at Merry's face when talking to Pippin. He's fine. Uh, Bucky Aragil, I'm confused here Have you seen the commentaries? The "can't take his blood" comment, I took that to mean there was blood in that liquer. It sure looks red enough doesn't it? Orc Draught is an invigorating drink used by Orcs , which inflicts damage when drunk but restores some hunger and grants speed and strength buffs.
It is essentially Sauron's imitation of elven Miruvor. Orc Draught can be obtained as a rare drop from every kind of Orc and even Uruks and can also be purchased from various Orcish traders. You can also brew this foul drink by combining three of any type of bone from vanilla Minecraft or this mod and three Morgul-shrooms in a barrel. Lastly, this drink can also be found in Harad trading tents, Mordor towers, and in various other places.
The drink inflicts damage when drunk but restores some hunger and grants a strength buff and, since Public Beta 19 , also grants a speed boost. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of "magical" restorative in it; Orcs aren't dumb, and they must have some decent basis for combat medical care. But what it might be is, I think, forever lost. Merry and Pippin were sure it was not as the Orcs used as a medicine, not a libation.
Sauron and Sauruman created and bred their orcs to fight their enemies. The last thing either would have tolerated in the disciplined ranks of their soldiers was drunken brawls. They were wont to fight amongst themselves by nature. They did not need alcohol to exacerbate their bloodthirsty nature.
Do you recall that Frodo and Sam found a few last bushes growing in Mordor and birds eating their fruit? Sam, ever the hopeful hobbit and gardener took some of the fruit and seeds and put them in his bag. Years later, in the gentle soil of the Shire with the addition of Galadriel's gift of the soil of Lothlorien Sam grew the first chiles in the Shire. These first plants, originally spawned in the shadow of Mount Doom's heat and slag, were some of the fieriest ever grown.
Yet under Sam's care and the good water and climate of the Shire they developed into the many wonderful strains we enjoy today. Pippin and Merry were aghast when they tasted the first meal Sam and Rosie prepared for them with chile. The two instantly recognized the bite of the Orc draught which had been forced upon them and remembered how it's throat searing heat had invigorated and strengthened them.
And what of the birds? It puzzled Sam from the moment he saw birds eating from those last straggling plants in Mordor.
What nutrition could they derive from the shriveled and blighted fruit? We now recognize that birds suffer no ill effects from the hottest chiles and ingest the pods and seeds with impunity. They thus are one reason chile plants are found in so many areas outside the Four Farthings. It is believed that a form of these chiles were used to control the Oliphaunts and increase their rage in battle.