A girl who puts out easily then gets walked all over. A girl who is dumb enough to wollow in self pity when her man disrespects her instead of getting her own and showing him up. A girl who relies on her broke and drunk man for happiness then is depressed when he doesnt come through.
Girl shes a stupid hoe, she boarded up with a broke guy that was just supposed to be a one night stand. Girl shes a stupid hoe for dating him, he just manipulates girls into dating him then gets bored with em and treats them like shit. Report this review. Teen, 17 years old Written by DaniBallerina March 3, The title of this song refers to Nicki Minaj after her making this song!
She did this just to trip Lil Kim, duh! She doesn't need to go THAT far. Using similes like that is vulgar. This has a weird beat to it too, When I heard this song. I thought she was yelling random things.. Read my mind 1. Teen, 17 years old Written by RustyShackleford July 9, Worst song ever recorded. The only people I see this song appealing to is pre-teens who think that using profanity makes a song cool. The whole song is backed by an irritating whooping noise that makes it hard to focus on the lyrics, which may be a good thing for the song, as the lyrics are a half-baked mess.
By the end of the song, Minaj devolves into unintelligible blabbering that sounds like the soundtrack to the security footage at a mental hospital. I hate diss tracks in general, but this is the worst one I've ever heard.
The shots Miss Minaj takes at the titular"Stupid Hoe" are such non-sense, that they ultimately make Nicki Minaj look bad. The last line of the song has Nicki declaring herself as the female Lil Wayne, which is not something to proud of, but it's an accurate comparison.
They both use infantile insults to boost their own ego, and they have droning nasal delivery that makes seagulls sound soothing.
The fact that anyone over the age of 13 heard this song and decided it was worth recording blows my mind. The distribution of this song should be outlawed, and every copy in existence destroyed in a Fahrenheit style burning, in order to protect the valuable brain cells of naive pre-teen girls.
Helped me decide. Kid, 12 years old August 29, This title contains: Language. Read my mind. Kid, 11 years old April 19, Scary It scared me my whole life and my cousins and family bullied me for it and played it when they got mad at me or when I was in trouble.
I wish it was deleted as more kids experience this in the videos comments and the song and imagery and sound is scary. Had useful details. Teen, 13 years old Written by boba20 April 17, Unmatched song This song captures the power and taste of the rap industry.
The lyrics and rich and raw, beautifully telling a story. This title contains: Positive Messages. Positive role models. Teen, 17 years old Written by 56kul April 7, Teen, 13 years old Written by Merveille January 16, Teen, 15 years old Written by Loranikas October 4, Also, there were times I thought I actually was watching a Lil' Kim video. And I'm not sure that was the intended effect. And then there's the matter of lyrics.
I'm willing to go along for your declaration that after you "ice my wrist-es, then I piss on bitches," since I certainly wasn't mad at the scatological bent of "Did It On 'Em. And when you insist "You a stupid hoe" upwards of 40 times in a three-and-a-half-minute song, that fourth wall begins to collapse for me and I start to take it a little personal. But maybe a little compromise could work in your favor.
Because all I can see are big ol' bouncing booties. Don't call me a hater especially given your message about how haters can kill themselves in "Check It Out," which I haven't forgotten. I still adore you.