What happens if i kill saker

In my second game I could not buy the houses in the merc camp. User Info: Desperado Story-wise, it makes no difference whatsoever. Really bothered me when I looked back at it after completing the game. I thought wait a minute "What the hell happened to Saker? I never saw him again. Zapp Brannigan at your service! User Info: Jefejoobes. User Info: SpazH3d.

You also get access to some merc shops. User Info: KaiGillam. More topics from this board How do i have an orgy? Plot 5 Answers How to co-op on same xbox? Tech Support 2 Answers How do I do the flit switch puzzle in driftwood? Side Quest 2 Answers How do you increase your moral standing?

I beat the game in about 6 hours. I tried to take things slowly and get the most out of it. The enemies are so easy to beat, there is very little challenge. I was looking forward to it for months before it was released. Took the day off work to buy it on the 26th… What a waste. I feel that this is a bad review. Not even a review, really, just a childish rant. It is mind-blowing that people are saying Fallout 3 had a great story, it was pretty crappy. Like, the writing is light-years ahead.

Anyway, calling it a step backward like Velovan did, is mind blowing. The only thing that sucks is that Obsidian were forced to use Gamebryo. Get over it. It was ever present in Fable 2, and you liked it. The tone was much more serious in the original Fable, and you liked it less than 2. Make up your mind. With that, I leave you. The game has been thrown together and more money has been spent on the advertising than the programming. They have taken out lots of the good things from Fable 2 and replaced them with crap.

I am a HUGE Fable and Fable 2 fan and i still have them and play them… however on the first day of playing 3 i was yawning and ready to put Dead rising 2 back in… I dont like the map system that has no way of seeing where you are, i dont like the shops that sell 1 item and thats if you are lucky, i dont like the fact that the pre game App doesnt work right even though any mug off the street can design and sell an app that works right every time.

I could go on but whats the point? I know there is a risk of over hyping a game that then turns out to be average but this is not even average. Its childish but has parts that i wont let my children see due to the adult nature of it. You can set a custom way point to a store or specific area just zoom in on the map and press X on the spot you want to go. It seems like you rushed the game just to get to the part where your king. There is so much more you can do beforehand that will make the game more enjoyable.

You should be creative with the battle system. You know how to flourish like in fable 2? Use that more often your weapon changes with the more assassination and flourish moves you do. I could go over all the nice features but I do agree with some of the bad ones you put up there. This is the exact opposite of say, Mass Effect, where practically every person you see has something worth hearing. Did you see the quest where the child died? There are some pretty raunchy things in this game.

I find more people tend to play the good character in fable games…I play both. I also make a Grey area Neutral character for fun. Overall I disagree with what you had to say.

You have to hunt down that shop that buys all your stuff but never sells anything say… somthing your didnt mean to sell for some reason the shop keeper in bower stone market wouldnt buy my pointless gems.

I merely kiss, dance or for some odd reason pat a cake, then back to kiss. OOoh the glowing trail bug, what i thought was funny was the supreme lazyness in even the background loading screens. Lazy, unforgiving, and completely short.. I am not the best player of games in general so when I can beat a game in a weekend you know it was way to easy.. They made the game play so simple it was not even fun for me to say I finished the game.

And really as a king I got tired of being nothing more then an errand boy. I would have like to have more skill based quests then just running packages and letter to everyone. I was evil and the ending gave me praise…praise. I have no wings unless I flourish. And as usual…no last boss fight. That wasnt a boss. That was a 10 sec spam. I miss jack of blades and everythig fable 1 did. Vegas was also terrible…fallout 3.

I just given up on xbox ever having a breakthrough, might go and play on a ds or a wii. Play some retro games for awhile. Until the world wakes up and stops ass fucking improvements, and creates originality. I completely agree with this. Another thing that pissed me off was the fact that everyone was saying this game takes hours to beat, yet I did it in about 11 while doing a ton of side quests, getting married 5 times, having 4 or so children, and buying every shop I possibly could in the game….

I also figured I would gather some gold to fill the treasury near the day of the attack, but since the game jumps days randomly at the end, I failed, killing over 5 million people. Now all the shops are empty and the towns are deserted with nothing really left to do.

It took me 32 hours to do all of this without a guide and i am very pleased with the collectors edition i purchased and highly reccommend the game. TLDR; i think your experience was soiled by failing to complete the game being good. But dude, please proof read. Or have someone else do it for you. The lags and blackouts when using the touch system mean that I now avoid interacting with people as best I can.

The only really significant choices you get to make, in the first half anyway, are which weapons to use. I wen to the store and decided to rent Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 instead of Fable 3 because Fable 2 was barely descirnable from Fable 1 and anything that had changed had simply gotten worse so I thought the same thing would happen to 3.

Sadly the same could be said for TFU2. In fact The Force Unleashed 2 is even worse than the first game. Dude this game is amazing. Yes combat could be more difficult. But other than that you are just being way too analytical of the game.

Take a chill pill go have a in game orgy and enjoy it for what it is. I completely agree that the end of Fable 3 was horrible!!!

What a waste of money! I feel ashamed of myself now! I seem to have had very similar problems. As always, good playthrough first and yet the first thing I had to do was make an immoral choice to keep a main character in the game. In Fable 2, I raced through the main questline and when I went back to the side quests at the end, I was in awe of how in depth they were. Fable 3, on the other hand, has two unique side quests and the rest are all pretty much the same.

As for the mysterious magical island that I cannot yet go to, I have done the main quests and all of the sides quests despite the immoral ones and yet I have this area of the map that I cannot access?

Firstly, why shove a new fast travel system in my face at the start of the game and then punish me for using it? Secondly, Fable 2 gave you a reason to explore… the quest descriptions were left mysterious and when you went to do them, you felt that mystery. But remember Fable 2? They were awesome. I would have to agree with everything you said, except perhaps the bit about the writing. I was mildly happy with it too until I got to the Queen part.

I loved fable it was a great game and when i got fable 2 i thought it was going to be great and i was disappointed, and forget about fable 3. I agree with most of the points you make. I only bought the game because of the love I had for the first one. I would have to believe that there are other people that feel the same. After the real reviews fable 3 has gotten and the real lack of game play I strongly feel there will not be a fable 4.

I am not a die hard gamer but i do love my games. After playing fable 3 i think i will stick to the games Im good at and like the most my racing and call of duty like games. Fairfax is no more what about oakvale at least in the second one it was there not completely gone. I agree with a lot of your points. In my first playthrough I made sure I had at least 7.

Then when I lost money to declaring edicts I would put more money in the treasury. On one hand, the author of the original hate piece seemed to have some valid gripes, on the other hand, most of the comments supporting this opinion seem to be from somewhat mentally challenged people. Personally, I never saw what all the fuss was about in the Fable series. What the hell kind of game is this? What gives? If the game is so horrible, why would you ever play it twice? The game seems to want me to get to the King business at breakneck speed.

And you loved Fable II. Who knows? I personally am a huge rpg fan, and after the first Fable experience, i like obviously you, got hooked. Fable 2 was a huge step up from 1, agreed, but this was years later and at another level of game design. If fable 1 were done during modern days it would be far more explosive. I, like you rushed through, as i usually do, the first time so i can see the plot.

But i always encourage any others who ask to do otherwise, because like you said there isnt much to do afterwards. This is the same for any game. Oblivion has the guilds true.. Im yet to play vegas but fallout was kind of a big step down from oblivion in regards to graphics, customisation and storyline.

I have never seen it done before and i think it worked well. I was so pissed I let the entire kingdom die. I had no warning on the day of the battle and even after you beat the poor excuse for a boss battle, everyone in the world is dead even when you had enough money to donate to the treasury. Fable 3 sucks my ass. Biggest let down of the year. I totally agree, peter molyneux has fucked me off so much with this game, especially with this whole thing that the weapon changes as your character does, my sword looks exactly the same as the one in the second picture within this review, which is just bull shit, also i thought saving ellise or whatever her name is would have an effect, and even after saving her nothing happened, what made it worse was the fact after i married her i made her live in old bowerstone and then instantly went to aurora to become king….

Finally as is stated in the review i also played as a good character, and found it near enough inpossible to get 6. As far as I now, the money you give to your family each day as pocket money determines what your kids turn out to be. The whole point of being evil to save everyone is trying to emphasise the fact that sometimes evil has to be done for the greater good. Fable 3 has a hidden moral message that also holds true to today, for example in the UK our government is making many cuts to public funding, but this is to help us out of the debt crisis.

Pretty good game, although Molyneux lied about what some of the content would be. It was a total waste of my money. I hate this game! They ruined the Fable experience. I hate that expressions only affect one person at a time! I hate that the minor boss characters are completely unaffected by damage until the killing blow. I hate that I can no longer do head shots. I hate that instead of expanding on all the things I loved about this game have been down-sized, I. E: less clothes, less expressions.

I have just started being evil with my good character because I hate this game so much. What a waste of money and anticipation. Shame on you and your phoned in game, Lionhead! I agree with the comments that this guy has made but you forgetting the changes and thing they have improved for example the weapons evolve with you and i have 3 characters and ever weapon is different, your right the main storyline is short but to enjoy the game you need to play it slowly otherwise you do just get through the storyline within days this game needs to be carefully planned and enjoyed.

Wow, excellent rant. I loved it. You did totally nail every problem with Fable I have a black daughter, WITH elise, i got screwed by the day jump to 0, and im tired of the whole Fable interaction. Honestly, this game was a let down to me. It was like they made several steps forward which i liked, the sanctuary, where you could IDEALY physicially view your posessions achievements etc.

The cool finishing moves, though they cut many weapon types and the ranged slow-mo kills are annoying.. Sadly they failed on this too. Fable 2 seemed like more of an improvement than Fable 1, despite the multiplayer additions that fell flat on their face. The game is buggy to a point where i simply lose the patience to play, and shut it off. When i discovered i had a black daughter, she was standing in a crowd of other children, and after i waded through and uncovered which was mine, i remember the hysterical laughter that echoed my room and was apparently mine, lol.

Basically, i think im done with Peter and his uninterested take on the Fable games. If they were picked up by a new developer and redone, i would gladly forgive them. For one, the spellweaving is an entirely new concept to Fable. Also, they took the vast amount of weapons down to 2 different types of melee weapons which I hated but achievement-based upgrades to weapons is an idea I have yet to see.

I was furious, because I knew that the only thing it could mean was vastly shortened gameplay… but waht did I do? I racked up a metric assload of gold and finished all my sidequests before progressing in the game. I was saying that there is no point in using that style, when the others are right there and are far more effective against enemies. Why fight a pile of Hollow Men one by one with a sword when i can make them all explode with one button press? I could play through Halo Reach using only my pistol, which would make it harder and force me to strategize more, but why would I do that when there are more effective weapons available?

Combining the spells is visually interesting, but it only serves to make magic more powerful than it was already. Instead of merely shocking opponents to death, I can now shock and burn, freeze or stab them at the same time. On day , I made the conscious decision that after this day was over that day has no quests on the docket, by the way, only court appointments , that on day 50 or whatever, I would going to wander around and mass up cash and do shitty sidequests.

Clearly from the comments, it took many off guard, and was one of the worst aspects of the plot. Fable 3 is really not meant to be rushed though. I did so knowingly to get a feel for the game, since I do not use game guides or cheats. However now when I take my time playing I will know what to expect out of the main game and saving money is easy enough if you not rushing though the first part of the game.

I agree the fighting is a little too easy and can remember the old days where it could take days for me just to clear a boss lvl. It may have been helpful if the game offer setting for easy medium and hard play like some games do. Though you do have some valid points about the game, I do not think that Fable 3 was a complete let down that you are making it out to be. That said I have never met a true gamer that did not find faults about ever single game they played even for the ones they say they like.

Since gaming comes easy for them it hard to impress. Ok first of all I have to agree that Fable 3 was a huge mistake…. I do disagree with all the negatives about fallout 3. If any of you actually played the game you would see that it involves the player way more by creating weapons, ammo, and food.

If you play hardcore the game is deffinately a challenge. Now it is glitchy as hell and the loading screens take years, and sometimes your partners just disapear or stop following you all together, but its a great game. No darkened skin, no horns, no scars, no ripped clothing, no horns, no flames protruding from the body, no demon wings, oh, and no fucking horns.

When you actually come to the point where it shows you as a demon or angel-like creature, i thought, oh finally.. I would have written a review exactly the same! I waited so long for this game and went to Meijer on Monday night at midnight to get it. I am beyond disappointed. You nailed it. Thank-you, I laughed all the way through your article, helps take the pain out of the fact that I bought the collectors edition. Is there a menu for your potions?

I would like to see how many potions of health, etc I have and to to be able to set them where I want, and use them when I want, not when the game decides I need them.

The graphics in this game are stunning tho. I am having a lot of issues with Fable III as well. Same goes for the map table. Hence, I become stuck and have to re-load. I know there is supposed to be a back button because my friend played his save and it was there plain as day. Also, I had to install the game to my hard drive to reduce the random lag I was getting.

Now all exp goes into the same pot. Also the chest and dig spots were almost the samething every time. I figured I would be able to play the game how I wanted to which is the whole point of a good RPG and a big selling point of fable. So, as the paying customer I decided to make good decisions as king while spending the time earning the extra cash to save the citizens. So I just thought, fine fuck it I might as well finish it now.

It took all of about 5 minutes to plough through all of the enemies and crush the end boss. Everyone in albion died, I missed out on the achievement for saving everyone and im pretty pissed about it. This seems to be the trend of the fall releases so far. Sub par game, with bugs and glitches up the waazoo. This was my first Fable experience, and unfortunately it will be my last.

I had not played the others, but for some reason this one really sparked a lot of interest in me. So I picked it up and gave it a go. Much like a lot of fellow readers… to put it bluntly… I was completely pissed when the end of the game just kind of fell on my lap without warning. Want to walk through the game easily? Maybe Fable 3 is a learning lesson about life.

Think about it we do not always get the chance to do things necessary unless we plan ahead. If I recall in the past Fables you always had ways of earning tons of money but no real reason to do so.

Maybe they are trying to get people to slow down when playing the game. So when they said the ending is a surprise…. Well it is when you really think about it. Sure it may pissed you off and like many other people I to ran though the game thinking had had plenty of time to make up the money.

Take it from someone in person debt you hardly ever have the time to make money back up once you are in the hole. There is also a good premise to this story. Which is sometimes the moral decisions we need to make are not always clear and can seem evil even though in the long run it is to save the many and not the few.

Then you have the STD issues. It seems as if you can get STD from anyone even your spouse. So maybe they are really trying to get the word out about safe sex to the younger people playing the game…. This is not the best game in the world but really not as bad as many here will make you think. See beyond the box of just playing the game and experience the world in which it is in.

Just another point of view. Funny, of course this will happen. Complete with a histrionic title and a personal laundry list. The writing, combat and interactions have most of the same quirks and faults as they always have. You completely rushed through the game which is why you lost most of your citizens! Fable two was total crap! I cant believe you named it game of the year??? It was over before it even begun!

Fable 1 was a much better game then both Fable 2 and Fable 3 until you take the thrown where the game takes a completely new change which is a refreshing change! And of course magic is more powerful then swords or guns! You cant figure out the navigation and because of that your giving lionhead the blame? There is so much thats new and different about fable 3 i cant believe you say its just fable 2 with mistakes! The road to rule thing is Totally unlike anything seen before!

No health bar is very different! The multiplayer on fable 3 is totally different where you need to trade or play online just to get all the weapons or even to make business partnerships! I could go on for ages!! It seems that you have not explored this game enough to be making such a harsh criticism! You do know that two white people can have a black child right? Statistically speaking only one of them needs to come from a black background.

And that snowey place with the abbey is also gone another island btw never mind the northern wastes!! I have to say that this article encumpasses nearly everything I found disappointing with fable three. For instance, I got a key from a character in Aurora, after the final battle, as part of a new quest. But stupid me I raced through the dialogue so quickly as most gamers do , that I missed the part about what to DO with the bleeding key.

A waste of Goddamn time. OMG…I nearly forgot the worst thing so I will now bug everyone with my double post…sorry. Was that omission supposed to add innovation and depth to my Fable 3 experience? And if so, then pray tell how, exactly?

I mean, WTF, guys?! I often found myself using several health potions during battle, never really knowing if I was wasting them, or even using them at all I used magic, primarily, so all the glowing and glittering on-screen eventually became completely indiscernible. Absolutely hated this game. I waited a long ass time for this game and this is what Lionhead came out with?

Shitty shitty shitty, The First Fable was amazing but thats it. I didnt even finish Fable 3, and i dont intend on finishing it, im taking it back to gamestop and trading it in…….

Not by the game really though just a bit but by the ones who were so quick to judge and throw shit on the game.

Did you guys actually take the time to play? I mean, really play? Guess not cause it seems to me you guys missed a lot of things in the game. Like who said theie was no weapons to buy? There are like two or three weapons shops in the game with interesting augments if you complet the objectives like earning guild seals faster in combat or having extra damage done most being more powerful than you hero weapons.

Sure the game is short and I was quit disapointed of the time spent as king of Albion and Aurora that was my only real disapointement, this and the fact that Theresa does nothing at all.

It can? And you et an account on Twitter? You hit the nail on the head. As a fan of Lionhead, I waited desperately for Fable 3. The original Fable is the only reason why I dust off my xbox: yes, the 10 pound, indestructible one. You and I shared the same disappointment. I will kill all the gnomes and find every last key. Seeing characters evolve is also too fun to see.

Like Reaver, starting out with nothing but bones and armour, to become a major character in the proceeding games. After having read approximately words of this mammoth rant, you had already made my night! Thank you for the thoroughly entertaining read! I beat it in 12 hours and I was taking my time. Speaking of weapons, my weapon morphed into something giving explainations such as, its exotic due to your love of diving??? I had dove about twice in the game at that point..

That was funny to read. Btw, thank you very much. I was looking around to see how the day thing went and here it is.

So I love how I spent majority of the game being nice…and now I have to be a jerk in order to win…just wow. That might be where ur black kid comes from. After playing fable 3 the first time and being good only to get a huge fck you after I fixed everything my brother effed up it was most enjoyable to be a total a-hole to save those stupid people. I dont know though, I feel like I just dont like the game, because of most of the reasons detailed in the original article. I think PM should be personally reimbusing everyone he screwed out of money with his lies.

Expression system became uber gay. Like you said it has devolved. This entry has basically killed any chance of me ever buying this series again. At least when other games are lazy and stupid they do things like copy paste the interiors of sidequest areas mass effect. But hey they are still good games and player friendly. It especially pisses me off how no locations on like Mistpeak are marked or anythings?

I payed way too much for this. I loved the first part of the game! But what reaaaally bothered me was all the bugs. I think that I have suffered from more than 6 different major bugs. After bug number 5, I tried to enter a new area during the quest since I couldnt fast travel during an active quest. A message popped up saying that if I was to travel to another area, the game would revert to an earlier save point, and data would be lost.

So the game reverted to an earlier save point, and I lost about 2 hrs of gameplay. But now I could not at anytime enter the sanctuary. AND when i followed the golden trail, it led to the rebel HQ entrance. But there was noone in the HQ! I also couldnt pick up any side quest. I cant do shit now besides from startin a new game. I just cant understand how they could have made it so that if you revert to an earlier point in the game, it is as if you have completed some of the quests or something, so that you cant do them again or something reaaaally weird like that.

I mean, how could they have made it so that you could destroy your entire save by returning to an earlier point in the game!? Speaking of firearms removing aimed shots also removed my enjoyment of using the weapon class.

Why is my dog a purebred inbred moron? Treasure, Quest, or Dig? Really, where? Maybe walk around a bit to jog your ability? Oh, I walked too far away and you forgot? I want my smart fast mutt from Fable II back please. Overpowered Spells; I found the best combo was Vortex Lightning, as not even balverines could attack you.

As I owned everything I could purchase and did most of the side quests I dropped 8m gold in the treasury and called it a day. Just wondering if anyone know what the red gate is and how you get though it?? Could not figure that one out yet. However you are not left guessing at your health. There are two ways to know you are getting low and may want to use a health potion and when you really need to use one ASAP.

One assuming you have health potions they will only show up to use them during a battle when you are starting to get low on health. Just look at your icons. Second when you are in really bad shape and need to get more health ASAP you will note that the color leave your screen and it turns gray with red around the edges. Pretty straight forward. Not having to always look for a health bar during batter should be easier for the player.

I thought I was the only one that was mad about the days left then it just ends without warning!!! You have honestly just taken the words right out of my mouth. It makes me sad because it had such great potential to be a good game, but Lionhead got lazy. My guess it was probably filler because the original story was shorter than they thought it was going to be. At least Jack of Blades was a true villain. DLC sucked.

Weapons sucked. Clothes sucked. People sucked. Main story sucked. Pretty much this entire game sucked. All in all, Fable 3 was alright at the very best. It was just ok. I will try my best to list the things I really enjoyed about the game and the stuff that I found annoying and uselss. The games graphics, though quite similar to fable 2, were not a disappointment. The only real fault the graphics had were the models, being that the whole of Albion comes in four or five people with different clothing, with an amazing three to four voices.

But, as a whole, the graphics were far from a negative factor. The menu I found to be quite enjoyable. You can marry someone of either gender, and bed them. Same-sex couples have the option of adopting children. Lack of a decision will result in the deaths of all Logan will warn you before this happens. Despite which choice you make, you turn on your brother and swear never to forgive him.

However, the Hero manages to break free due to Milton threatening to kill their dog, and after a long duel the Hero manages to defeat him.

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Cover Letter. Ben Davis March 24, Which Fable game is the longest?


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