Darko, G. Emi-Reynolds, R. Awudu, C. Kansaana, P. Amoah, A. Efa, A. Ibrahim, B. Agyeman, R. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to O. Adukpo or L. Reprints and Permissions. Faanu, A. Natural radioactivity levels in soils, rocks and water at a mining concession of Perseus gold mine and surrounding towns in Central Region of Ghana. SpringerPlus 5, 98 Download citation.
Received : 15 July Accepted : 13 January Published : 01 February Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content.
Search all SpringerOpen articles Search. Download PDF. Research Open Access Published: 01 February Natural radioactivity levels in soils, rocks and water at a mining concession of Perseus gold mine and surrounding towns in Central Region of Ghana A.
Faanu 1 , O. Adukpo 1 , L. Tettey-Larbi 1 , H. Lawluvi 1 , D. Kpeglo 1 , E. Darko 1 , G. Emi-Reynolds 1 , R. Awudu 1 , C. Kansaana 1 , P. Amoah 1 , A. Ibrahim 1 , B. Agyeman 1 , R. Abstract Levels of naturally occurring radioactive materials prior to processing of gold ore within and around the new eastern concession area of Perseus Mining Ghana Limited were carried out to ascertain the baseline radioactivity levels. Background Artificial and natural radioactivities are the two main sources of radiation exposure.
Description and local geology of study area The study area is the eastern concession of Perseus Mining Ghana Limited and its immediate surroundings up to about 20 km from the plant site. Geological map of the study area. Full size image. Methods Sampling and sample preparation for gamma spectrometry analysis A total of 30 samples were randomly collected within selected areas of the new concession and the surrounding communities.
Instrumentation and calibration The soil, rock and ore samples measurement were made by direct non-destructive instrumental analysis with a computerized gamma spectrometry system made up of NaI TI detector and measuring assembly.
Calculation of activity concentration and estimation of doses Soil, rock and ore samples The activity concentration of U was calculated from the average peak energies of Results and discussion The list of sample location index with coordinates is given in Table 1 along with remarks for soil, water and ore, respectively. Table 1 Sampling location index and co-ordinates Full size table. Table 2 Average absorbed dose rate in air at 1 m above sampling points in the study areas and calculated annual effective dose Full size table.
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Natural radioactivity concentrations of Ra, Th, and K in commercial building materials and their lifetime cancer risk assessment in dwellers. Risk Assess. Spatial distribution of gamma radioactivity levels and radiological hazard indices in the East Coastal sediments of Tamilnadu, India with statistical approach. Adewoyin, O. Statistical estimation of radiological hazards from radionuclide contents in building materials.
Natural background radiation dosimetry in the highest altitude region of Iran. Abd El-Mageed, I. Assessment of natural and anthropogenic radioactivity levels in rocks and soils in the environments of Juban Town in Yemen. Kobayashi, S. Radioactive contamination mapping of northeastern and eastern Japan by a car-borne survey system, Radi-Probe. Kaniu, M. PhD thesis. University of Nairobi unpublished Rapid in-situ radiometric assessment of the Mrima-Kiruku high background radiation anomaly complex of Kenya.
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Conceptualisation, investigation and writing of original draft, E. Correspondence to E. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Correlation analysis performed between specific activities of U, Th, and 40 K revealed that they all had a positive correlation with each other as shown in Table 5. This shows a strong degree of closeness among different radionuclides. It further implies that knowing the specific activity of one radionuclide can help in predicting the specific activity of the other radionuclide of interest in the study area.
Regression plots showing the correlation between the three radionuclides are displayed in Figure 6. This could possibly be due to the fact that radionuclides originate from the same rock formation. The dose rate ranged between The values obtained have been compared to values obtained in different parts of the world Figure 7 a. The AEDR due to indoor and outdoor exposure was determined from equations 3 and 4.
The mean indoor AEDR is 0. The total AEDR varied from 0. From a radiological point of view, this implies that the dose emitted from natural gamma does not pose any significant health implication to the sand harvesters as well as the inhabitants of the houses constructed using this sand. This can be explained by the high solubility of uranium ions as compared to thorium ions which are slightly soluble.
The H ex index, as calculated from equation 5 , has a maximum value of 0. These values have been compared to values obtained in Kenya and other parts of the world as displayed in Figure 7 b. Since the H ex index is less than the global permissible limit of unity, the radiation hazard posed is negligible. This implies that the construction sand from Ekalakala may be considered safe for use by members of the general public.
The maximum specific activity of U and Th is The average dose rate of The average indoor and outdoor AEDR was reported, and the values obtained were 0. The total AEDR due to indoor and outdoor exposure to gamma radiation is 0. The H ex index was also reported. This value was below the set limit of unity. The construction sand from Ekalakala River poses an insignificant health risk to members of the general public.
These results can be of great use by the relevant governmental organizations in coming up with suitable policies on radiation protection and control. It can as well be used as reference data in future to monitor possible radioactivity pollution from the construction sand from Ekalakala River. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Article of the Year Award: Outstanding research contributions of , as selected by our Chief Editors. Read the winning articles.
Journal overview. Special Issues. Academic Editor: Jacek Karwowski. Received 08 Oct Revised 08 Mar Accepted 03 Apr Published 05 May Abstract Construction sand is naturally polluted with radionuclides of terrestrial origin. Introduction Sand mining is a well-known and booming economic activity in various regions of Kenya such as Machakos County [ 1 ].
Figure 1. Comparison of the specific activity of U, Th, and 40 K obtained in this study with values obtained in other parts of Kenya and the world. The specific activity of 40 K has been scaled down by a factor of 10 for clear display of U and Th levels [ 5 , 10 — 15 ]. Figure 2. Table 1. Figure 3. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Figure 4. Download references. Joel, O. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.
The experiment design, data analysis and manuscript writing were done by E. The technicality of the method used in the manuscript was ascertained by O.
Scientific contributions and the relevance of the investigation were ascertained by Z. Embong and M. Correction of grammatical sentences in the manuscript was done by O.
Adewoyin and O. Referencing listing according to the journal format was done by T. Correspondence to E. Reprints and Permissions. Sci Rep 9, Download citation. Received : 19 October Accepted : 25 February Published : 12 March Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.
Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Scientific Reports Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines.
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Download PDF. Subjects Environmental impact Experimental nuclear physics. Introduction Natural radiation is embedded in environment and humans are continuously being exposed to it due to every day interaction with the environment just as the heat rays from the sun and light 1 , 2. Figure 1. Full size image. Figure 2. Full size table. Result and Discussions Natural radioactivity concentration in coastal area soil The concentration of natural-radioactivity measured in the sedimentary soil samples used in this investigation is presented in Table 2.
Table 3 Radium equivalent, gamma dose rate of coastaline area soil. Data Availability The data used for this study would be made available upon request. References 1. Article Google Scholar 6. Google Scholar CAS Google Scholar Article Google Scholar Article Google Scholar Download references.
Saeed Authors E. Joel View author publications. View author publications. Ethics declarations Competing Interests The authors declare no competing interests. Supplementary information. Calculated value from radioactive concentration. About this article. Cite this article Joel, E. Copy to clipboard. Further reading In-situ assessment of natural terrestrial-radioactivity from Uranium U , Thorium Th and Potassium 40K in coastal urban-environment and its possible health implications E.