Peter Brown , Author. The Differences between Scripture and Tradition Sacred Scripture is something tangible and is contained in inspired sacred "books. The Bible is the uniquely inspired part of Sacred Tradition. Sacred Tradition is the Bible as received, meditated on, contemplated, read and put into effect in the life of the Church. Tradition reveals in the sense that it amplifies or clarifies or actualizes the text of the Bible.
What is important here is that everything in Sacred Tradition is necessarily related to the written Bible! Still we can speak positively about both. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition have much in common. Besides forming the content of Divine Revelation, they form what we call a single Sacred Deposit of Faith. In probing the literal meaning of the texts, it is necessary to determine their literary form, such as history, hymns, wisdom sayings, poetry, parable, or other forms of figurative language.
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae I, 1, All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Report Abuse Your first call should be to law enforcement. Click Here to Learn More. How We Serve Safe Environment. Sacred Tradition is the inspired and unwritten truths of the deposit of faith that were passed orally from Christ to the Apostles, then to the early believers, and so forth.
Sacred tradition eventually developed sacred Scripture. Examples of traditions include praying the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet, devotions to favorite saints, making the sign of the cross and the like.
Sacred Tradition teaches the old and new traditions to many people. In knowing the Sacred Tradition, the importance of the Catholic faith can be expressed to abundance of people. One way of gaining tradition is through Sacred Scripture.
The Deposit of Faith is how God fully revealed himself through his son, Jesus. The two elements of the single Deposit of Faith are Scripture, or the holy Bible, and Tradition, or the practices of the Church. For more on this, see Question Sacred Tradition determined what books belong in the Bible and which ones do not. Rather than a dichotomy between Sacred Scripture Bible and Sacred Tradition, both are like two lungs in one body, or two sides of one coin.
Both originate from God and both are authentically interpreted by the Church. Divine revelation comes from both vehicles of the one source God. If there appears to be a contradiction between the two, then the mistake is in the copy, translation, or interpretation of the written text. Since the Bible in and of itself never gives an exhaustive list of which books should or should not be considered part of the Bible, only Sacred Tradition can tell infallibly which books are inspired and which are not.
Sacred Tradition is different from human tradition. Many of the religious customs of both Jews and Christians were human tradition, that is, man-made.