What makes men turned off

Being on your cell phone all the time. Someone else added, "In the same vein, actually caring about Snapchat or Instagram enough that it impedes real life. Trying to get him to act jealous. That said, I read a relationship advice book once that said it's imperative to make a guy a little jealous so he'll put a ring on it.

Playing hard to get. I guess wanting a guy to work for it is a no-no? Although, honestly, if he isn't willing to try a little, was it ever even worth it? Lying about your wants. If you know where you want to eat, don't tell him to decide and then pout when it's not what you want. Just say you want Chipotle. You always want Chipotle. Don't worry, he does too. Seems fair. Judge not, lest you be judged, love everyone, just be chill, etc.

But also, being too open-minded. What can I say? Guys are complicated, emotional creatures. They don't know what they want.

Men like women who can get shit done. Treating your social media accounts like it's your job. Although, to be fair, sometimes it is your job. And in that case, you really should treat it as so because being fired is not the greatest. When a woman focuses on all of the negatives in life instead of the positives.

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You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Sophia Sinclair 1. When a woman views every other woman as her competition. When a woman gets ridiculously drunk, sloppy, and downright mean. If you've been nagging him in the past, you may have trained him to not listen to you, so when you change the way to speak and act, it may take him time to catch on and catch up with you! In a couple, one person typically has more female energy and the other more masculine energy.

Both types of energy are a part of all of us and different circumstances can bring one out more. The stereotypes of the past do not hold anymore. This is a common challenge for my female clients and something I've learned in my marriage. Tony Robbins says it is polarity in relationships — "the spark that occurs between two opposing energies: masculine and feminine" — that drives and sustains passion. When you both have the same energy, you may have more in common but lack passion.

Robbins also says when women are stressed or tired, they go into protection mode and become more masculine…leading to zero possibility of passion in the relationship. Men often compete to be the "Alpha" or lead male. When a woman is bringing her masculine energy, she may be consciously or unconsciously competing to be the alpha male.

Maybe this works if you are in a leadership role in your organization, especially if you are in a highly competitive male-dominated environment.

On the other hand, many women have feminine energy we deny or suppress, especially at work, and that creates stress for us because we are not being who we really are. You may not realize this because masculine energy — male and female — is all you've seen demonstrated in your workplace.

When you are being more forceful and not tapping into your feminine energy , you may not only be denying a part of who you are, you may be suppressing your gifts of feminine energy, including emotional IQ, collaboration, listening, appreciation, and connecting. Feminine energy is powerful, but it is not dominating. One of the men responding said, "I want a strong woman who can allow me to have my authentic emotion.

This is just plain and simple. If a woman doesn't have good hygiene it is a big turn-off to men. A man wants someone who can take care of them. Taking care of yourself is a turn-on because it is a sign of self-love, which is super important.

To be fair it's no woman's job to take care of men. But when trying to find a significant other poor hygiene isn't going to help you do that. So if women are too into their social media and constantly have their eyes glued to their phones, men don't see the point of hanging around.

Therefore, if women would rather update their status to hanging out with bae instead of actually spending time with him won't make "bae" stay. A relationship is about give and take — couples take turns talking about their days, sharing stories, discussing their problems.

If a woman is constantly talking about herself or won't pay attention to her man, he will get annoyed. Being self-centered is something commonly correlated with being shallow, which men apparently turns off men. It becomes irritating when a man has to fight to get a single word in about what is going on with him. If the relationship is one-sided, there no point for the man to stay around.

When a woman is indecisive it can become frustrating to the man. It makes a woman look like she doesn't know what she is doing or who she is which can be linked back up to being dumb. They don't want to constantly sit there and hold a woman's hand every time she has to make a decision. They also don't want to make decisions for you. Men want a woman to be their own person, they don't want to date a body with no brain or drive.


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