Many will just keep working, without protection, and you won't know it until a power spike damages your gear. If you know you've had a serious electrical event like lightning blew out a transformer down the street , it's probably worth replacing your surge protector just in case. Most companies that sell surge protectors say they need to be replaced every three to five years. There is no reason not to get a surge protector.
How much you might need it will vary. If you live in an area with lots of thunderstorms, your gear is probably more likely to experience power surges. One thing that's beyond the scope of this article, but worth mentioning, are UPSs, or uninterruptible power supplies. These are like surge protectors, but have built-in batteries so the device never loses power. At least, not until the battery runs down.
They're not crucial for most people and most equipment, but if there's something in your house that would cause serious issues if it lost power CPAP machines, perhaps , they're worth looking into. Just make sure they fit your specific needs. Since most surge protectors are cheap, they're worth getting and regularly replacing just in case. Note that CNET may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site.
As well as covering TV and other display tech, Geoff does photo tours of cool museums and locations around the world , including nuclear submarines , massive aircraft carriers , medieval castles , airplane graveyards and more.
You can follow his exploits on Instagram and his travel video series on YouTube. He also wrote a bestselling sci-fi novel about city-size submarines, along with a sequel. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. We delete comments that violate our policy , which we encourage you to read. Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. CNET editors pick the products and services we write about.
When you buy through our links, we may get a commission. Geoffrey Morrison. Getty Images - Navee Sangvitoon You probably have more devices that need charging than wall outlets to charge them. Delivered Tuesdays and Thursdays. Belkin Outlet Surge Protector. See surge protectors at Amazon. Many average surge protectors have a clamping voltage of volts.
You shouldn't buy anything with a higher voltage than this. The joule rating of your surge protector tells you how much energy dissipation your surge protection has. But what does this mean? The joule rating refers to how much energy your surge protector can absorb. In this case, a higher rating equals better protection. A surge protector with a rating or 1, joules will last longer than a surge protector with a rating of joules.
The amount of surge protector joules you need will vary depending on what type of devices you're trying to protect. Here's a basic joule rating guide that'll help you figure out what type of protection you need.
Unless you're protecting small devices that don't store any important data, you'll want to avoid joule ratings under 1, However, a lower rating is sufficient if you're protecting things like blenders or table lamps. These surge protectors are small, so you can tuck them behind furniture or other items without much hassle.
Because of their size, they're also flexible to use just about anywhere, from a home office to the kitchen counter. A surge protector with a small joule rating will also be the most affordable option out there. If you're on a tight budget and only have small devices, this surge protector might be a good choice for you. A surge protector with this rating will be able to handle small electronics and other office equipment.
If you're trying to protect things like cell phones, basic laptops, printers, routers, and copiers, you'll want a surge protector with a rating between 1, and 2, joules. This rating is also large enough for your power tools and other building appliances.
If you have expensive devices or devices that hold sensitive information, you should get a surge protector with over 2, joules.
This includes things like gaming consoles, home theater equipment, and computers. Businesses that have customer information or financial documents on their computers will need one of these surge protectors. No surge protector lasts forever. A whole-house surge protection system will not prevent these types of voltage spikes.
When the voltage rises above the acceptable level, the surge protector suppresses the excess voltage to prevent it from causing harm. Specifically, internal components called metal oxide varistors MOVs absorb the excess voltage and divert it safely to the ground wire, preventing it from reaching the connected equipment.
However, these lights might be ignored or are out of sight when the surge protector is located behind furniture or under a desk. No surge protector lasts forever. Tags: Surge Protectors. From desktop to critical infrastructure, Tripp Lite products and solutions power and connect the computers, networking equipment and electronic devices that form the foundation of our digital world. Headquartered in Chicago since , Tripp Lite has offices and partners worldwide.
Contact Us. What Are Joules? Next Steps Need more information about Surge Protectors before you purchase? See our helpful Surge Protector Buying Guide.