Ieine Kin — b. She spent 9 years as a novice and was put out of the Tower after refusing to complete the test for Accepted. Irgain Fatamed Green Ajah — b. She spent 6 years as a novice and 6 years as an Accepted.
Ispan Shefar Blue Ajah — b. She spent 6 years as a novice and 8 years as an Accepted. Ivara Kin — b. She spent 12 years as a novice and was put out of the Tower after refusing the test for Accepted three times. Jala Bandevin Green Ajah — b. Janina Wise One — b. Janine Pavarla Red Ajah — b. She spent 11 years as a novice and 9 years as an Accepted, and is so recently raised she does not look ageless yet A Crown of Swords , High Chasalaine.
Janira Kin — b. Janya Frende Brown Sitter — b. She spent 7 years as a novice and 12 years as an Accepted. Moria is younger than Janya. Jarna Malari Grey Sitter — b. Was a Sitter in New Spring who had dark hair white at the temples, until she was killed by Ishamael in NE at age in punishment for instituting the male channeller pogrom.
Javindhra Doraille Red Sitter — b. Jeaine Caide Green Ajah — b. Jennet Cobb Grey Ajah — b. She spent 10 years as a novice and 9 years as an Accepted. Jesse Bilal Brown Ajah Head — b. Later, she was elected Brown Ajah Head.
Jezrail Red Ajah — b. Assuming a range of 25—30 years for each generation, this would make her between and years old Knife of Dreams , Epilogue. Joiya Byir Grey Ajah — b. She spent 9 years as a novice and 11 years as an Accepted.
Joline Maza Green Ajah — b. Joline gained the shawl in NE at about 26 years of age. She was a Sitter for only a few weeks under Elaida and was not old enough to be of an acceptable age, having been an Aes Sedai for only 75 years. Juilaine Madome Brown Sitter — b. Kairen Stang Blue Ajah — b. She spent 8 years as a novice and 8 years as an Accepted.
Kara Defane former damane — b. Kateri Nepvue White Ajah — b. Katerine Alruddin Red Ajah — b. She spent 8 years as a novice and 7 years as an Accepted. Keatlin novice — b. Kerene Nagashi Green Ajah — b. She was about two hundred years old and her dark hair was lightly touched with white New Spring , The Itch when she was killed by the Black Ajah.
Kirstian Chalwin Kin — b. Kirstian was enrolled in the novice book over years ago and ran away less than one year later Knife of Dreams , Wet Things. Kiruna Nachiman Green Ajah — b. She spent 4 years as a novice and 4 years as an Accepted. Kumira Dhoran Brown Ajah — b. She spent 7 years as a novice and 9 years as an Accepted. Kwamesa Taramasu Grey Sitter — b.
She spent 5 years as a novice and 4 years as an Accepted and was Accepted at the time of New Spring. Kymer Wise One — b. Lanita novice — b. Larelle Tarsi Grey Ajah — b. Her hair is white at the temples in New Spring, An Arrival. She was killed by Merean in NE. Larie Lady Lemore Genhal damane — b. Larine Ayellin novice — b. Her hair is braided Lord of Chaos , Lessons and Teachers.
Leane Sharif Blue, then Green Ajah — b. Lelaine Akashi Blue Sitter — b. She spent 5 years as a novice and 6 years as an Accepted. Moria is younger than Lelaine. Lemore Genhal former damane — b. Letice Murow novice — b. Liandrin Guirale Red Ajah — b. Described as young and pretty, though with the ageless face. Lirene Doirellin Red Sitter — b. She spent 8 years as a novice and 6 years as an Accepted. Lucilde novice — b.
Ludice Daneen Yellow Ajah b. Lyrelle Arienwin Blue Sitter — b. Magla Daronos Yellow Sitter — b. Malind Nachenin Green Sitter — b. Marah novice — b. Marce Eldin novice — b. Marille damane Marille has been a damane for a long time and looked in her middle years Towers of Midnight, A Good Soup. How old she is depends on how strong she is in the One Power. If she is very weak, she is probably — years old, if strong, up to Marillin Gemalphin Brown Ajah — b.
Padra and Marinna would be about 16 and Ronam Marisa Ahan novice — b. Marith Jaen Amyrlin from the Blue Ajah — b. Her death at age was natural. Marith Riven Brown Ajah — b. She spent 8 years as a novice and 7 years as an Accepted and is so recently raised she does not look ageless yet A Crown of Swords , High Chasalaine. Marline Wise One — b.
Martine Janata Brown Ajah — b. Once burned out, she would have been removed from the Oaths and would look young again. She can no longer even sense the source, so she would then age as a normal person. This was more than 25 years ago, in NE, and although she is 98 now, she looks between 45 and Note that she is the same age as Zarya, whom Setalle Anan recognised.
Masuri Sokawa Brown Ajah — b. She spent 5 years as a novice and 7 years as an Accepted. Mayam Colona White Ajah — b. She spent 12 years as a novice and 8 years as an Accepted. Meidani Eschede Grey Ajah — b. Meidani and Elaida were pillowfriends as novices more than thirty years ago, but Elaida broke off the friendship when she was raised to Accepted in —1 NE Crossroads of Twilight , Glimmers of the Pattern. Meilyn Arganya White Ajah — b. Melaine Wise One — b. Melare Red Ajah — b. Assuming between 25 and 30 years for each generation plus a little leeway, she would be between 50 and 90 years old Knife of Dreams , Epilogue.
Melavaire Someinellin Grey Ajah — b. Melore Kin — b. Merana Ambrey Grey Ajah — b. The many wars Merana prevented and treaties she arranged supports an age of over A Crown of Swords , Diamonds and Stars. Merean Redhill Blue Ajah — b. Merilille Ceandevin Grey Ajah — b. Merilille has worn the shawl over a hundred years Crossroads of Twilight , Talk of Debts but has no grey in her hair. Merise Haindehl Green Ajah — b. She spent 15 years as a novice, because she lied about her age, and 5 years as an Accepted.
Mikio Vadere Green Ajah — b. Mirlene Cornwell Green Ajah — b. She spent 11 years as a novice and 7 years as an Accepted. Miyasi White Ajah — b. Moiraine Damodred Blue Ajah — b. Morgase Trakand — b. Moria Karentanis Blue Sitter — b. She spent 8 years as a novice and 7 years as an Accepted and has been Aes Sedai for a hundred and thirty years Crossroads of Twilight , Surprises when raised as a Sitter for the Blue in the rebel Hall.
Morvrin Thakanos Brown Ajah — b. Musarin Yellow Ajah — b. Myrelle Berengari Green Ajah — b. She is already Accepted in New Spring , Practice. Elayne also notes that Myrelle has been Aes Sedai less than fifteen years in Lord of Chaos , Unexpected Laughter, which is an underestimate, since Myrelle had been one for 17—18 years at that time. The rebel Greens raised Myrelle as their Captain General.
Nacelle Kayama Green Ajah — b. Namene novice — b. Narenwin Barda Yellow Ajah — b. Nelavaire Demasiellin Green Ajah — b. She spent 10 years as a novice and 6 years as an Accepted. Nesune Bihara Brown Ajah — b. Nevarin Wise One — b. Niande Moorwyn Grey Ajah — b.
Nicola Treehill novice — b. Nisao Dachen Yellow Ajah — b. She spent no time as a novice and less than 2 years as an Accepted. Padra would be about 16 and Ronam Pedra Accepted — b. In Knife of Dreams she is still an Accepted. Pevara Tazanovni Red Sitter — b. She spent 6 years as a novice and 5 years as an Accepted, and was a novice with Seaine who has been Aes Sedai for years Winters Heart , Snow.
Pritalle Nerbaijan Yellow Ajah — b. Rafela Cindal Blue Ajah — b. Razina Hazzan Brown Ajah — b. Reanne Corly Kin — b. She spent 11 years as a novice and was put out of the Tower after refusing to continue the test for Accepted.
Reiko Kerevon Blue Ajah — b. Rianna Andomeran White Ajah — b. Rina Hafden Green Ajah — b. She spent 9 years as a novice and 8 years as an Accepted and has worn the shawl less than fifty years Crossroads of Twilight , A Mark. When the Tower was reunited, Rina stepped down for Farnah. Romanda Cassin Yellow Sitter — b. She spent 5 years as a novice and 3 years as an Accepted. Romanda is the eldest of the Salidar Sitters and has white hair with grey streaks.
Holding her chair for 88 years was unprecedented, but Romanda came out of retirement to be a Yellow Sitter in the rebel Hall and also Yellow Ajah Head among the rebels, and kept this seat upon reunification until her death in the Last Battle. Ronelle Accepted — b. Rubinde Acedone Green Sitter — b. Rubinde has no grey in her hair. Ryma Galfrey Yellow Ajah — b. Saerin Asnobar Brown Sitter — b.
She was trained for two years by the Daughters of Silence, who were found and disbanded in NE. In the Tower Saerin spent 12 years as a novice and 10 years as an Accepted. She was a novice and Accepted twice as long as the other Black Ajah hunters due to the stigma attached to unofficial training.
Salita Toranes Yellow Sitter — b. An overly young Sitter elected to the rebel Hall, she has been Aes Sedai for thirty-five years Crossroads of Twilight , Secrets and stood down at reunification. Samalin Naerodan Green Sitter — b. Samitsu Tamagowa Yellow Ajah — b. She spent 9 years as a novice and 4 years as an Accepted.
Sarainya Vostovan Kin — b. She spent 10 years as a novice and was raised Accepted for political reasons and then put out of the Tower. Sareitha Tomares Brown Ajah — b. Sarene Nemdahl White Ajah — b. She spent 6 years as a novice and 5 years as an Accepted and was friends with Moiraine when novices and Accepted, although Moiraine was a year ahead New Spring , Leaving the Tower. Saroiya Farseen White Sitter — b. Sashalle Anderley Red Ajah — b. Seaine Herimon White Sitter — b. Sedore Dajenna Yellow Sitter — b.
Senine din Ryal Windfinder — b. Seonid Traighan Green Ajah — b. Serafelle Tanisloe Brown Ajah — b. She spent 10 years as a novice due to lying about her age and 4 years as an Accepted. Serancha Colvine Grey Ajah — b. Sereille Bagand Amyrlin from the White Ajah — b. She spent 13 years as a novice and 11 years as an Accepted due to being a discipline problem. From — NE she was a Sitter for the White, then spent years as Mistress of the Novices, an unprecedented length of tenure.
This ended when she was raised Amyrlin in NE. Shahal Comanli Grey Ajah — b. Shalon din Togara Windfinder — b. Shana Goridien White Ajah — b. She spent 11 years as a novice and 9 years as an Accepted. Sharina Melloy novice — b. Shemerin Yellow Ajah — b. She spent 14 years as a novice and 17 years as an Accepted due to her unsuitability for testing. Sheriam Bayanar Blue Ajah — b. Shevan Brown Sitter — b. She spent 4 years as a novice and 6 years as an Accepted.
A Sitter who had worn the shawl well over years when raised in NE to replace Janya Frende, she has no grey in her hair. Shimoku Accepted — b. She spent 11 years as a novice and 1 year so far as an Accepted. Sibella Kin — b. She spent 10 years as a novice and 6 years as an Accepted, but failed her test for the shawl and was put out of the Tower. Sierin Vayu Amyrlin from the Grey Ajah — b. She spent 8 years as a novice and 9 years as an Accepted and was raised Amyrlin in NE without holding a place in the Hall previously.
Killed in NE when she was Silviana Brehon Red Ajah — b. Siuan Sanche Amyling from the Blue Ajah — b. Solain Morgeillin Kin — b. She spent 11 years as a novice and 8 years as an Accepted, but was put out of the Tower for repeated theft. Sorilea Wise One — b. The oldest Wise One with Rand.
Suana Dragand Yellow Sitter — b. She spent 16 years as a novice and 12 years as an Accepted. Sumeko Karistovan Kin — b. She spent 5 years as a novice and 5 years as an Accepted, but failed her test for the shawl and was put out of the Tower. Surandha Wise One Apprentice — b. She has spent two years as a novice so far.
Takima Deraighdin Brown Sitter — b. Talene Minly Green Sitter — b. Seaine might have been Accepted between the ages of 19 and Talene would have been 15—18 when she came to the Tower and therefore Seaine is between 1 and 17 years older than her. Tamarla Kin — b. She spent 2 years as a novice and then was put out of the Tower because she was not strong enough to test for Accepted.
Tamra Ospenya Amyrlin from the Blue Ajah — b. Considering that her death in NE was believed to be due to natural causes, she was probably well over Tarna Feir Red Ajah — b. She spent 9 years as a novice and 6 years as an Accepted and has been Aes Sedai for just over twenty years Crossroads of Twilight , One Answer.
Promoted to Keeper of the Chronicles in NE after Alviarin was sent off on an extended mission by Mesaana, she was young for the position. Temaile Kinderode Grey Ajah — b.
She spent 10 years as a novice and 9 years as an Accepted and was Accepted at the time of New Spring. Teslyn Baradon former Red Sitter — b. Theodrin Dabei Brown Ajah — b. Therava Wise One — b. Therva Maresis Yellow Ajah — b. Tiana Noselle Grey Ajah — b. Promoted to the post of Mistress of the Novices, she was one of many too-young holders of positions among the rebels, being younger than at least one of her own novices.
Toveine Gazal former Red Sitter — b. She has no grey in her hair. Tsutama Rath former Red Sitter — b. Her hair is untouched by grey. Turese Red Ajah — b. Valene Sural Red Ajah — b. Valera Gorovni Brown Ajah — b. She had worn the shawl for well over a hundred years in New Spring, The Itch. Vandene Namelle Green Ajah — b. Kirstian claimed to have run away from the White Tower almost years ago, when Vandene was an infant, if not before she was born.
Varilin Zanaire Grey Sitter — b. Vayelle Kamsa Red Ajah — b. She spent 13 years as a novice and 11 years as an Accepted. Velina Behar White Sitter — b. Verin Mathwin Brown Ajah — b. Merana thinks that Verin is maybe as much older than her as she is older than Alanna about 50 years or so. She was forced into the Black Ajah in NE. Yukiri Haruna Grey Sitter — b. Zemaille Amassa Brown Ajah — b. Zerah Dacan White Ajah — b. She spent 7 years as a novice and 8 years as an Accepted and has had the shawl less than fifty years The Path of Daggers , The Extra Bit.
Amico Nagoyin was the youngest, only four years older than Egwene and I [Elayne]. Joiya Byir could be our grandmother. This is quite clearly impossible if she were four years older than Egwene.
She is unlikely to have earned the shawl in that time, never mind gained the Ageless look, something that occurs around 5 years after swearing on the Oath Rod. It is an error which was corrected in the e-book version of The Dragon Reborn , where Elayne says that Amico is fifteen years older than her. Male Channellers Even with the spark, boys never channel before 18 or 19, unless they try to learn how, and in some men the spark does not come out until they are 30 New Spring , Practice.
Like the women, men also slow in aging once they channel. The madness caused by the taint on saidin can take years, or just months to take effect. Padra and Alarch would be about 16 and Ronam Androl Genhald — b.
Arlen Nalaam — b. Atal Mishraile — b. Charl Gedwyn — b. Damer Flinn — b. Demandred Demandred is one day younger than Lews Therin, who was a little over years old when he suicided.
Eben Hopwil — b. Enkazin — b. Evin Vinchova — b. Fager Neald — b. Fedwin Morr — b. Jahar Narishma — b. Padra and Janduin would be about 16 and Ronam Jonan Adley — b. Jur Grady — b. Karldin Manfor — b. Lews Therin Lews Therin was — years old when he suicided since Rand says "I'm nearly four and a half, I suppose. Do my years in this Age add to those I had before? Logain Ablar — b. Manel Rochaid — b. Mazrim Taim — b. And yes, he has slowed, and he is in his late twenties, yes his late twenties.
He would barely have begun to slow yet. Moridin — b. Peral Torval — b. Raefar Kisman — b. Taril Canler — b. Welyn Kajima — b. Posted by Linda at AM. Labels: Characters. Moiraine enrolled in at age 16, not August 16, at AM Linda said That's true. Thanks for that. August 16, at AM Unknown said September 16, at PM Anonymous said This is a very useful site. Thank you! November 1, at PM Anonymous said November 22, at PM Unknown said November 25, at AM Linda said November 25, at PM LordJuss said December 16, at AM Dominic said December 16, at AM LordJuss said December 17, at AM LordJuss said December 17, at PM LordJuss said December 18, at AM Dominic said December 18, at AM LordJuss said Fair point.
Handwriting it is!! December 19, at AM Unknown said June 19, at PM LordJuss said October 22, at AM Linda said Sho-wings were used to cover large distances by flying through the air. These came in different shapes and sizes, though delta wings were the most common. They ranged in capacity from large ones carrying a few hundred people to small ones for personal use.
Aes Sedai and those assisting them often used the One Power for Traveling. A bloodless game called swords was popular, having been revived by Lews Therrin and Duram Laddel Cham before he became Be'lal. Modern Blademasters believe that their movements' names are derived from this time.
It was also possible to watch stories in your home, most likely with projection screens. Objects called view walls allowed users to create any illusion desired to be projected onto the walls of a room. The same technology that is used in the stories was used then, making the person appear in front of you to have a conversation. Everyone had a contact sequence that could be used as long as they had a similar machine to call with.
A three-dimensional logo was displayed if a person would rather not be seen. Mesaana also mentioned at one point the existence of standing weaves that would allow non-channelers to use a ter'angreal to communicate across vast distances.
Fancloth , now used by Warders , created an almost perfect camouflage effect. Streith , a shimmering material that changed color to match the wearer's mood, was used in high-fashion clothing. Glowbulbs created light and never needed recharging, and heat exchangers gave every building a perfect temperature.
Stasis boxes , which perfectly preserved what was stored inside of them, were also common. Weather was controlled using several ter'angreal for optimal crop conditions. No maps survive of the world before the Breaking. However, it was clearly a very different place. For example, Shayol Ghul was then an island located in a cool sea and was a tourist destination.
The Sand Hills in Andor were then located on the shores of a large sea. What appears to have been a seaport city has been sighted in the upper reaches of the Spine of the World. It is also stated that Lews Therin's cloak of exotic fabric had been brought from "across the World Sea ," an ocean that Ishamael stated is similar to the Aryth Ocean in size and scope. It is unknown whether the world retained the same geography in the Age of Legends that it had in the First Age , or if some earlier calamity had altered the geography again between these two ages.
Architecture was heavily influenced by the Power. Using the concepts and technologies gained by it, truly breathtaking and beautiful buildings were created.
Below you will find the ages of some of the characters. The age listed is the age they are at the beginning of the series. When know when Rand was born and that Mat and Perrin were born within weeks of him. The series starts in NE and ends NE. All ages listed were taken from the Wheel of Time Companion. All artwork by Seamus Gallagher. Thomdril Merrilin Old Birth year not given, assumed to be upwards of Like Liked by 2 people. Like Like. Double check, Tuon explains to Mat that it has been 16 years since her name day, but then corrects herself remembering people on this continent count since they were born and tells him shes been alive for 22 years.
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