However, there are two ways to start a meeting on which all of the participants use a phone to dial in:. Option 1 : By default, if the meeting organizer and all participants are joining a meeting using a phone, the meeting organizer needs to input her Audio Conferencing PIN to start it. Callers get asked if they want to authenticate as the organizer of a given meeting when they dial the phone number of an online meeting. All participants that join the meeting via dial-in before the organizer starts will be placed in the lobby and will listen to music on hold.
For Skype for Business meetings, once the organizer starts it by inputting his or her Audio Conferencing PIN, all participants in the lobby will automatically join the meeting.
For Microsoft Teams meetings, the participants will join the meeting according to the value of the automatically admit people setting in the organizer's meeting policy. If the setting is enabled for a given organizer, then all meetings scheduled by that organizer can be started before the organizer inputs the Audio Conferencing PIN. When this setting is enabled, the meeting will start as soon as the first participant joins it via a dial-in phone number, and the first participant won't be put in the lobby.
Set up Skype for Business Online. Phone numbers for Audio Conferencing in Microsoft Teams. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported.
Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Note Users won't be able to reset their conference ID. Note Teams users can change their pin.
Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. In this case, the reservation is pre-configured and available at any time. In this way, a particular caller can set up an account with a perpetual Conference ID code.
So, meeting attendees can call in again and again and they can use the same Conference ID code to get into the meeting. These services are provided by most audio-conferencing companies and they allow users to set up and manage their own teleconferencing accounts.
Users can schedule calls with special services like recording of the call, name announcements for participants as they call in, and other important services such as automatically muting guests.
Users that learn the audio-conferencing service, which is often controlled by a web interface, can become effective meeting hosts and they can enact a number of specialty services with varying degrees of ease.
These conferences are completely managed by a remote telephone operator. Callers are greeted by a person that has the ability to validate their names or meeting information before being put into their respective teleconference meeting. Operators often engage with the meeting organizers and leaders as the conference is about to begin to reconfirm how it should be managed just prior the call start. An example of how a conference can be managed is for an Operator to put all the meeting leaders into their own special side conference usually called a sub conference until the meeting begins.
As meeting attendee callers call in that are not leaders, they are often put into a waiting room and they hear music until a call begins. So, presenters have private meeting time which is often very important in the minutes leading up to a meeting start.
In this way, an Operator manages the entire call and all the tools associated with it. Generally, the aspect of audio conference calls that require organized management during the call itself are those times when questions and answers are allowed. Moderation includes muting and unmuting callers at prescribed times. A conference Moderator can mute and umute callers in a prescribed order in response to touch tones entered by callers.
This is a core service offering of a Moderated Audio Conference. Audio conferences are often held among small work groups of 3 to 15 callers. In some cases, a conference can reach sizes of , or even callers when large groups of callers all have a common job title or role for example, Partners at a Law Office, or Doctors in a medical facility or hospital.
Most audio-conferencing services can support up to callers without special arrangement or configuration. High capacity meetings however are those that go beyond or or even callers. High Capacity Audio Conferences can support 1, or 2, and even more callers. This always requires special configuration. Often the telephone numbers for large capacity calls are different than for smaller volume calls because different network services are used to provide the connections to the call session.
For this reason, it is very important to plan a large capacity teleconference with the service provider well in advance of the meeting date. Audio Conferences allow meeting presenters to host meetings at a distance and with ease.
It costs less than video conferencing. Video conferencing is great, but it requires a lot of bandwidth. During the current global crisis, bandwidth is sometimes constrained. Audio conferencing uses less bandwidth, allowing you to stay connected even during high-traffic times. A great audio conferencing system is only part of the solution. Your business must use it effectively to enjoy all the benefits. Here are 5 best practices for effective audio conferencing:. Joining an audio conference should be simple.
This saves time for everyone and avoids the frustration of learning yet another complex system. If dial-in numbers are necessary for joining the call, include the necessary information in the meeting invite so participants have ready access. This also makes it easier for users to rejoin the meeting if the call is dropped. For international attendees, give them access to local dial-in numbers to avoid high international calling fees.
Background noise can be distracting and hinder the productivity of the call for everyone. A hands-free option is valuable during a conference call. It keeps you free to type notes or take quick action steps during the call. White noise, pen taps, turning pages, and keystrokes can clutter up the audio and be distracting to call participants. Use a good quality headset instead.