King City is a black and white comic series with a similar blend of different styles and concepts. An anime-influenced series written and drawn by Brandon Graham, King City focuses on Joe and his pet cat as they make their living in the titular city, which is as crazy as the video game world of Scott Pilgrim.
His cat Earthling can be injected with a formula to make him perform any number of tasks, menial or truly gonzo. Aliens and other strange entities populate the city but mostly the series focuses on the characters and relationships at the heart of the story. Love And Rockets is a seminal black and white independent comic by Gilbert, Jaime, and Mario Hernandez that at times blurs the line between reality and fantasy, particularly in the earliest versions of the comic.
What is consistent throughout is the focus on the characters and their lives. Maggie, one-half of the best comic book relationships not from Marvel or DC with Hopey, has a series of sci-fi like stories early on in the series. The setting and timeframe are often unclear as in Scott Pilgrim , especially when she gets back to her hometown.
His short fiction appears in Strange Horizons, Interzone, Shimmer, and other venues. The World. By Darby Harn Published Aug 12, Share Share Tweet Email 0. What do I do now? Seconds is very much about reaching out for the next thing after you've figured out the first thing.
It's a shift mirrored in the earliest moments of Seconds , where we meet our protagonist,a year-old woman named Katie. She stands in the snow, grimacing and suddenly alone. It wasn't until he stepped back from Scott Pilgrim that he "reengaged with the world," and realized how it looked from the other side of It was kind of a shock to suddenly realize that I'm an old person to them, I'm established.
It made me see myself differently. The four-year gulf feels wide for Katie, too, as she contemplates the "infinitely younger" staffers that have replaced friends or as she calls them, the "stylish, sullen babies". She's not unhappy with her life—she's proud of her work as an executive chef at Seconds —but itching to open a restaurant all her own. And like a lot of almost somethings, she's accumulated her share of regrets: the relationship she screwed up, the questionable location she chose for her new restaurant, and the weird fling with a coworker that causes a terrible accident.
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Author photo via Radiomaru. So he's bitching and moaning because an incredibly faithful representation of his original work was too white?
This is a really circuitous way of saying, "Gee whiz, I sure made a 'white' comic!