Where to find sightless pit in skyrim

Sightless Pit is inhabited by the Falmer , chaurus , and their accompanying frostbite spiders , likely making it a very dangerous encounter for low to mid-level players, especially without the means of escape. The cave gradually transitions into a Dwemer ruin complete with a number of traps, which eventually leads to the Temple of Xrib, a fairly large Falmer settlement.

The Temple of Xrib is a large Falmer settlement, accessible only through the Sightless Pit or the unmarked exit at the far end of the chamber. It is home to a number of Falmer and their pet chaurus, and as such may easily be an overwhelming encounter without proper preparation. In addition to randomized loot on the Falmer inhabitants themselves, there is an altar containing a Dwemer chest which may contain a number of randomized valuable items.

There is an elevator to an abandoned cave, which in turn leads to Skyrim. This section contains bugs related to Sightless Pit. The final drop is onto a platform at the top of a curving ramp, where another pressure plate triggers poison darts to fire from the wall behind you. The ramp curves around the shaft to another ledge, where a second straight ramp leads down to a ledge with a stone pool containing shallow water, with another ramp curving down from this ledge.

Below is a leveled Falmer and frostbite spider on a ledge, with a Falmer hive concealing another Falmer on the wall. A final curved ramp leads down to the ground and a corridor heading west with a track for a spinning blade trap down the middle.

The corridor descends a short ramp to a crossroads, with two Falmer, one of which is leveled, standing in a dead end to the left, just out of sight. Using Detect Life or the Aura Whisper dragon shout may make it appear that only a single Falmer is standing there. There is an unlocked Dwarven chest ahead at the crossroads, and a corridor heading to the north from the chest, leading into another ice tunnel that turns to the west after a short distance.

Ahead, it opens into a room of Dwemer construction, with a large staircase with a collapsed Dwarven Centurion see notes. The door at the top of the stairs leads to the second zone, Temple of Xrib.

The Temple of Xrib consists of a mixture of Dwarven ruins and frozen caves. Upon entering, a wide corridor rises to the west, turning north at the top before quickly turning west again. Through a short corridor lies a room guarded by a leveled chaurus, with a leveled Falmer patrolling a cylindrical tunnel in the room's southwestern corner.

This tunnel, through which a Falmer tent is visible, leads into a large cavern. There is a hive on the wall to the left containing a Falmer, several more of which are farther into the cavern behind a rock wall to the tent's right and will be alerted by noise from fighting the first.

The first tent, reachable by climbing an earthen ramp, has only a campfire inside, and a second empty tent lies to the right, along with a Falmer hive on the wall. Behind the first tent is an open pen with a few piles of chaurus egg sacs and a ledge see bugs. The path continues to the west, entering a tunnel that then turns to the south before opening into a massive mist-filled cavern, with wide stairs leading up to the south and a high ceiling that glitters like that of Blackreach , which itself is rivaled by the huge Dwarven structure before you.

You can spend a lot of time exploring different ledges and corners in this cavern, but there is nothing of interest away from the main path. From the cavern's entrance, you can see the top of a Falmer tent at the top of the first flight of stairs.

A magic-using Falmer and a chaurus stand to the right of the tent, which has a fire inside. Behind, there are more levels, with a distant pair of pillars several levels above the entrance. From the top of the first flight of stairs, you can see more stairs off to the west, with two more Falmer patrolling the top. Climbing the second flight of stairs reveals a Falmer tent to the right, containing a fire and an unlocked chest.

To the west, a path climbs a curving ramp. To the south, an unlocked chest sits in front of a second tent. At the other end of this level, a third Falmer tent contains yet another unlocked chest. Sightless Pit is a cave located in North Eastern Skyrim. You can find it by traveling South of Winterhold. It is infested with Falmer, chaurus, frostbite spiders and the odd skeever.

The entrance is quite literally a pit into which one must jump. There is a lift in the Temple of Xrib section in the far corner. It takes you to a cave where there is a bar you need to lift before you can open the door. Go up the stairs and walk around to the left on the upper section in the Temple. The entrance is a straight drop down, meaning that once the Dragonborn enters, the only way out of the cave is to go forward.


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