Every conjurer needs a loyal familiar around. And the Flaming Familiar goes above and beyond the call of duty for its master when summoned. It appears all covered flames and immediately makes a beeline towards your enemies, exploding upon contact, returning to the ether to wait to be summoned again and again until no enemies are left standing.
This Apprentice-level tome is granted to the player as a reward after completing quest a scroll for Anska. But unlike the other spell, this one is for masters only which means it costs more magicka and requires a better knowledge of the conjuration arts. That said, it also comes with the perk of it being permanent so you can rely on your reanimated companion more directly as it fights with all its might and follows you around everywhere. A great way of letting the scum of Skyrim know you are not a mage to be trifled with, since you can easily end their lives and add them to your entourage.
Phinis Gestor sells this spell tome after completing the Conjuration Ritual Spell quest. Conjure Dremora Lord is an Expert-level spell that gives you the power to call forth from Oblivion one of its most feared creatures, the Dremora Lord , to fight by your side. The arrows have a nice enough starting damage rating of 18 points, and can be upgraded with the Mystic Binding Perk. If you can mix and match like this, why not?
This one is sort of the bread and butter of every serious conjurer. A flame Atronach is a slim fire creature that will immediately start attacking all those opposed to you with fireballs. And while it is an Apprentice spell, it has the potential to deal a lot of damage to your enemies if used correctly. This flame summon attacks your enemies directly once the spell is cast.
But it has another surprise for whoever happens to be around when an unsuspecting enemy delivers the final blow, as it blows up upon death. So this ice cold and heavy golem-like creature is here to fight by your side until it dies. If target dies within 60 seconds, fills a soul gem: Soul Trap , for 60 secs. Reward for quest Soul Cairn Horse Quest If you are still mounted after 60 secs he will remain with you until you dismount Only available with the Dawnguard add-on.
Creates a magic bow and magic arrows for seconds. Creates a magic quiver for seconds. Bound Quiver , for secs With the Mystic Binding perk, changes to Mystic Quiver , for secs Bound Quiver is listed under "Powers", not of any particular spell school or skill, instead of under Conjuration with all the other Bound Weapon skills. Summons an Ash Spawn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing: Conjure Ash Spawn , for 60 secs. Summons a Frost Atronach for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing: Conjure Frost Atronach , for 60 secs.
Summons a Mistman from the Soul Cairn for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing: Conjure Mistman , for 60 secs. Summons a Zombie for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing: Conjure Putrid Zombie , for 60 secs. Summons a Seeker for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing: Conjure Seeker , for 60 secs. If your Conjuration skill is 40 or higher, the spell tome may be found in Apocrypha when reading any of the Black Books Not affected by the Twin Souls perk Only available with the Dragonborn add-on.
Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds: Reanimate , 21 pts for 60 secs Reanimate Secondary Effects , for 60 secs. Can be purchased from: Calcelmo , Falion , Phinis Gestor.
Creates an Ash Guardian that guards that location until destroyed. Conjure Ash Guardian. Can be purchased from: Phinis Gestor.
Summons a Dragon Priest for 60 seconds. Conjure Dragon Priest , for 60 secs. Only available as an effect of Konahrik. Summons a Malignant Zombie for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing: Conjure Malignant Zombie , for 60 secs. You shoot the target whose soul you'd like to collect you need to have empty Soul Gems of sufficient size and your minions will take care of the rest.
Despite the enchantment and spell that also traps souls, the effect from this weapon doesn't seem to have a duration and lasts until the target's demise. Oblivion Binding level 50 Conjuration Magic required Bound weapons will banish summoned creatures and turn raised ones.
This perk is very useful when facing another Conjurer but you do not face them that often, so most builds can skip this. Handy for the sneaky Conjurer. Just hide in a corner and do your job. Atromancy level 40 Conjuration Magic required Double duration for conjured Atronachs.
Not that useful except as a prerequisite for Elemental Potency and Twin Souls. Does exactly what the description says and is quite helpful for keeping Atronachs useful later into the game. Necromancy level 40 Conjuration Magic required Greater duration for reanimated undead. Raised undead will last longer. Dark Souls level 70 Conjuration Magic required Reanimated undead has points more health.
This bonus is lost when you use enchanted items on Dead Thralls. Since those are permanent anyway, you do not really need this perk or the double duration for Necromancy late into the game. Consider whether you need these to help you level. Having stronger Atronachs to do extra elemental damage when leveling is likely more useful as they do not require dead bodies.
That is exactly what makes the Dead Thrall spell double its value, literarily. It's worth noting that this spell does affect the Conjure Dremora Lord spell, so you can use it along with your Atronachs or Thralls. Conjurer : The Conjurer uses his minions to fight for him and uses them as his pack mules. He often has Perks invested in Sneak as well to backstab the enemy from behind when they have no time spending attention to him.
Or, he uses his minions to avoid combat all together. Know that for a Pacifist, Conjuration is not an option, as everything your minions kill does count to your Combat list. Bow Conjurer : The strategy of doing a lot of damage and receiving less or even none of it. The Bow Conjurer is just like the average conjurer but, like the name implies, he will shoot the enemy with arrows from afar.
What makes this even better: the Bound Bow does benefit from perks and levels from both the Archery skill as well as the Sneak skill and can turn a Bow Conjurer who is hard to reach into a very difficult opponent. Especially if he's constantly sneaking away with Muffle and Invisibility spells.
At a high level the usefulness of the Bound Bow can even outride that of a Legendary Daedric Bow, though it will not be enchantable.
The perks see above for bound weapons can make up for this for most Bow Conjurers. Supporter : The Supporter is like a monk or healer himself, who constantly heals his often tank thralls during battle. Wearing armor that reaches the Armor Cap,and having a lot of health and enchantments to reduce Magicka cost for Restoration is recommended.
Our Sims Forum is the place to go for faster answers to questions and discussions about the game. Use the form below to share your own experiences and provide helpful tips to other readers. In order to better serve mobile users, I've redesigned the site so that my Skyrim Guide will work better on small screens.
I hope this is helpful to some of you. Send feedback on this change to [email protected]! Skyrim Conjuration Spell List Here is a list of all the Conjuration spells in Skyrim by type, from least to most difficult. Rather weak but good for training in combat.
They are ranged fighters weak to ice but immune to fire. A good spell for training as he essentially acts as a homing missile. Conjure Frost Atronach Adept Frost Atronachs are melee fighters with a lot of HP that make great tanks, at least against anything not wielding fire!
This does work with Twin Souls. The real reward in my opinion is the ability to buy the other four spells, as this one is impractical. Flame Thrall Master This makes a permanent Flame Atronach, which is no more powerful than usual but benefits from your perks all the same. Frost Thrall Master Same with Frost. Storm Thrall Master Same with Storm. Reanimate Corpse Apprentice Same as above, only raises higher level bodies. Dead Thrall Master Works on humanoids, resurrects them permanently.
Can be dual-wielded. Soul Trap Apprentice If your target dies within 1 minute of being hit, it will fill the smallest availble soul gim it will fit inside. Be careful as this can lead to petty souls inside grand soul gems. A great spell for leveling.
Banish Daedra Adept Send low-level summoned Daedra back to their plane, gives no corpse.