Who is damon pennington

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Damon Pennington : But before you do anything, you have to ask yourself if you can do it. Can you forget about ever seeing your parents again? Can you kill a guard? Leave your kid at a gas station? Push some nice old lady to the ground just because she gets between you and the door? Because to do this thing, that's who you have to become. And if you can't, don't start, 'cause you'll just get someone killed. John Brennan : How did you get caught? Damon Pennington : I gave myself up.

I couldn't take wondering when someone was gonna come through the bedroom door. Damon Pennington : No prison in the world is airtight. Each one has a key. You just have to find it. John Brennan : How do you do that? Damon Pennington : A lot of looking. Especially at things that break up the daily routine. Guards get comfortable doing the same thing day in, day out. Something happens, that's when they make mistakes.

But when you see it, you have to be ready. You have to have the entire plan already in place even before you know how you're gonna get out of jail. Escaping's easy. The hardest part is staying free. Damon Pennington : From the time they make the call, the police can have the center of the city sealed tight in fifteen minutes.

John Brennan : How can they be so exact? Though it was half a continent away, the city reminded him of home: a post-industrial urban landscape that, though diminished, still showed signs of its former glory. I think I had one employee, and even had to lay her off at one point. But Pennington has continued to build ATS; his latest achievement is a six-figure contract with the National Museum of African American History and Culture at the Smithsonian, providing furniture for reception areas, office spaces, theaters and waiting areas.


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