What fortune means? Who said fortune favors the prepared mind? What is a prepared mind? Where observation is concerned chance favors only the prepared mind meaning? Do not let yourself be tainted with a barren skepticism? Who is Louis Pasteur and what did he do? Where is Louis Pasteur buried? What did Louis Pasteur prove? Why is Louis Pasteur considered the father of microbiology?
Who is the father of micro biology? What did Louis Pasteur conclude was causing diseases? Who is called the father of immunology? How did Robert Koch proved the germ theory? What are the signs of lack of immunity in the body? Some of them include epics, novels, poems, and short stories.
For instance, classical Chinese novels used a lot of proverbs. Over the years fewer proverbs have been used in Chinese novels though. There are also times when a title may not be a proverb itself but it still may allude to one. It may even simply use a bit of the proverb in the title instead of using the whole thing.
Some books will also have titles that are twisted proverbs a. There are several examples of this that have occurred throughout history e. You also have some books and stories that have been built around proverbs. There are yet other books that do this much more overtly. Poets are also known to strategically use proverbs. There are also times when multiple proverbs may play an important role in a poem.
Some of these were written hundreds of years ago. For instance, the Turkish poet Refkik strung a lot of different proverbs together to compose an entire poem. Misattributed [ edit ] It is surmounting difficulties that makes heroes. Goodman and Ted Goodman A little science estranges men from God, but much science leads them back to Him. This alleged quotation is attributed to Pasteur at least as early as , in Miracles , by Morvan Lebesque. It appears in a letter about Pasteur reprinted in the February 7, issue of America magazine, but the author of the letter attributes the saying to Pascal and says it applies to Pasteur.
The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.