They face increasing pressure as a result of loss of habitat. The 3 species are the red-shanked douc langur Pygathrix nemaeus , black-shanked douc langur Pygathix nigripes and gray-shanked douc langur Pygathix cinereus. Otherwise it is similar in appearance to the grey-shanked douc, with a golden face, white chin and dark grey to black hands and feet.
The black-shanked douc has a largely greyish blue face. The tail of all 3 species is as long as the body. Size Height: 53 - 76cm Tail: 56 - 76 cm Weight: kg Habitat and Ecology These animals are predominantly arboreal but may occasionally come to the ground.
They are found in evergreen, semi-evergreen and semi-evergreen-mixed deciduous forest mosaics, as well as in coastal dry forest. Range States Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam Population and Distribution The grey-shanked douc langur is critically endangered with a population estimated to be around , The red-shanked douc langur and the black-shanked langur are both endangered.
Douc is an ancient name of Vietnamese origin thought to mean monkey. The red-shanked douc langur's extravagant appearance has given it the alternative name of "costumed ape".
Archive Content Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Douc Langurs Pygathrix spp. Population Status Pygathrix cinerea gray-shanked douc langur Population trend: decreasing Global population Likely less than 2, individuals Long et al. The trading seizures in the central provinces brought supply across the border of Laos into the douc langur trading picture, and strongly suggested Kon Tum as a douc langur trading hotspot, or major transit point for south and central Vietnam.
All seizures in the southern provinces involved black-shanked douc langurs. Dak Lak was the reported purchase location in the largest trading seizure douc langurs and another case in Dak Lak involved 13 black-shanked douc langurs. Several cases portrayed border crossings into Cambodia for hunting and trade into Vietnam. The results of this study frames Vietnam as a transit as well as a source country for the illegal douc langur trade.
Urgent attention is required to detect and prevent hunting of all three douc langur species and the trade of them and their body parts across:. As part of this, there is a need for ongoing, coordinated, and collaborative enforcement strategies between Cambodian, Laotian, Chinese, and Vietnamese enforcement authorities, as well as targeted community awareness and education campaigns in these areas. I look forward to continuing my connection with Education for Nature Vietnam to support its commitment to combatting the illegal wildlife trade.
American Journal of Primatology 74 10 — Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 1, Multiple copulations occur during estrus Ruempler Interestingly, the male rump also changes to a redder color, responding to females in estrus Lippold During pregnancy in captivity, females become more peripheral from the group and spend much time nearby the adult male Ruempler Reproduction and births occur year-round, but there appear to be birth peaks influenced by environmental factors, and within individual groups, several births may occur around the same time Lippold ; To solicit mating, a female may face the male and move her head back and forth by pushing her chin forward or she may crouch, facing her anogenital region towards the potential mate, sometimes looking back over her shoulders Kavanagh ; Ruempler However, either sex may solicit copulation Lippold Copulations are dorsal — ventral , with the male mounting the female from behind and grasping the female with his forearms.
In captivity, a male will mate with more than one female in the group Kavanagh Gestation can only be estimated at between and days, due to multiple copulations between partners in a single estrus, although a single captive female in one study had a gestation of days P.
The average inter-birth interval is 24 months in captivity Ruempler At birth, a P. This coloration changes to adult coloration between months old Hick ; Ruempler The eyes are open at birth and infants are usually singletons Hick ; Ruempler Infants are carried ventrally both by the mother and other members of captive douc langur groups Kavanagh ; Ruempler Climbing starts by day 7 of life, and hanging by the feet at 14 days.
Weaning starts at around months Ruempler Allomothering is observed in wild P. Twittering and squealing indicate submission, while growling indicates a threat Kavanagh Primate Factsheets: Douc langur Pygathrix Behavior. In general, Laos harbors the largest conservable P. However, many protected areas are under-staffed and staffs are under-equipped, limiting the protection they actually afford to douc langurs Lippold In addition, literally millions of people live within protected areas within Vietnam Lippold In Vietnam, logging is sometimes prevented in National Parks, but in nearby areas it does occur, destroying potential corridors between populations Ha Agricultural forest clearance and logging also threaten populations of P.
Development of habitats for tourism also threatens them in multifaceted ways. For example, at Son Tra, Vietnam, tourism development has cause new roadways to be built which has fragmented habitats. Further, some traditional hunting of the grey-shanked langur does occur and sometimes, traditional hunters supply primates for consumption outside of forested areas Lippold ; Ha Particularly, adults are often shot for food and their infants are sold alive as pets or into international trade especially for export to China , which is a widespread problem Lippold ; Also, P.
The Vietnam War was a significant factor in the destruction of douc langur habitats in the mid-twentieth century as well Lippold In addition, habitats to which Agent Orange a chemical defoliant were applied during the war no longer contain douc langurs, even when regenerating Lippold Primate Factsheets: Douc langur Pygathrix Conservation. The following references were used in the writing of this factsheet.
To find current references for Pygathrix , search PrimateLit. Asian primate classification. Int J Primatol 25 1 Gestation and birth of a douc langur Pygathrix n. Int Zoo Ybk Unexpected locomotor behaviour: brachiation by an old world monkey Pygathrix nemaeus from Vietnam. J Zool Lond 1 Groves C. Order primates. Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference, third edition, volume 1.
Ha TL. Distribution, population and conservation status of the grey-shanked douc Pygathrix cinerea in Gia Lai Province, central highlands of Vietnam. Vietnam J Primatol 1 1 Distribution and status of the grey-shanked douc langur Pygathrix cinerea in Vietnam. Conservation of primates in Vietnam. Ovarian cycle and effect of social changes on adrenal and ovarian function in Pygathrix nemaeus. Int J Primatol 25 3