Why does job suffer and in what ways

If you read it too quickly you will have the impression it all sounds pretty reasonable and religious when they try to explain suffering. Job, almost tired of all those arguments, keep on defending himself.

And so it goes on and on and on. But then it is enough. In a mighty storm, the Almighty himself appears on stage, stopping all the discussions and reasoning the vast majority of the book of Job occupies. He enters into a conversation with Job and guides Job into the great and the small of creation. From the foundations of the earth to the universe.

From the grasshopper to the huge monsters. It is a bombastic demonstration of the Almighty that has completely turned the theater upside down and silenced not only Job but also his friends.

It was no longer about God, but he has now seen God himself. Job must pray for his friends so that God will be merciful. Everything seems to be restored in a short epilogue in the book of Job.

The book is complete. Job receives new wealth and status and status. God has been good to him. It is striking that God does not blame Job anywhere in what He has to say and no, Job has done nothing wrong. Yes, but Satan, I hear you think. Yes, true. But this is theater, this is an ancient spectacle. The viewer, the audience in the theater may get a glimpse into heaven in which Satan has challenged God, but the main character in the story has never been given that insight.

There is no reason for the misery Job will ever know, no sin that causes it and that eventually should be resolved or forgiven or something like that. Job finally finds peace in his misery. That is not only when everything has been straightened again, not only when healing has arrived and his wealth is restored. This whole story will make you think again when you start having conclusions! Satan suggests that Job would not worship God if God did not protect him.

God gives Satan the power make Job suffer. His servants are attacked, his animals stolen, lightning kills all of his sheep and shepherds and a storm blows his eldest son's house down, killing all his children.

Regardless, Job's faith in God remains strong. He is willing to accept whatever fate may bring and acknowledges the ultimate sovereignty of God:. When we turn to God in faith, our hearts are changed and our souls are comforted. It is my belief that Job suffered well, and that the anguish he expressed was from his thought that God had left him.

In the ancient mind, it was understood that earthly blessings were gifts from God and that God protected his faithful people from harm.

Therefore, I believe that Job thought that God had turned away from him and so his greatest suffering was thinking that God had left him. Job was not sealed by the Holy Spirit as we are. So we should be compassionate and understand his anguish. Job did not know why such calamities had befallen him.

God never explained to Job either. But in due time, God revealed more and more of Himself to Job, giving Job comfort and hope. And then, God restored that which Job had lost, giving him a double blessing. The greatest lesson of restoration in the book of Job is not that of his wealth and children.

Instead, he tells Job to pray for his friends. When Job did as God asked, Job demonstrated his continuing faith in God and his trust that God was present to hear his prayers. Jesus is the Reason this Ministry Exists Thank you to all who contributed in Your generosity is a blessing and encouragement to us.

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Learn about the riches He gives to all who are His. This book will bless and encourage you, give you hope, and help you live in the joy of your salvation and the riches of Christ that are yours. This is not a Got Questions? But it's so popular it ranked among the top pages viewed:. Where did OT Saints go at death?

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